excuses excuses.......

One of the main reasons I joined this site was for support and accountability. I have made quite a few friends on here to help me stay motivated. I guess I am the kind of person who actually wants the kick in the butt.... I want someone to say. WTH did you eat today. Oh stop your excuses..... Anyone else out there like me who CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH??


  • jenniferwithmk
    I can give you some tough love!
  • DaltonsMom910
    I feel the same way. I want tough love & I want to give tough love but it's hard, I dont want my friends mad at me.. I want to tell some of them "why do eat the stuff you eat & expect to lose weight??" I've also noticed a couple friends that add to their 'workout' to make sure they don't go over.. they'll have like exactly 1-2 calories left.. I'm like.. Hah, Really? Maybe a coincidence once, but every day? It's alittle obvious. I'd rather be honest & know I did bad & be held accountable for it than to lie to make it seem like I didnt go over.. It's frustrating, but I just try to be encouraging and just worry about myself & not what other's are eating & doing.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I can handle the truth! and no i dont add to my workout to not go over and YES i can come within a calorie or two of my goal:)))) (without cheating) and yes i weigh and measure my food and yes its every time....lol hope you all have a great night:))
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I don't know... I don't want other people doing the accountability thing for me... i've got to be the one to do the work and keep myself accountable, you know?

    It's hard to say stuff like that to other people because you know it is hurtful when you do it to yourself! I find that I prefer to give and receive 'keep calm and carry on' motivation, because that is what really works. Chances are high that you knew exactly what you were doing when you ate that chocolate bar.

    If that helps you that is fine, but just wanted to counter the potential interpretation that we deserve to be yelled at every time we do the 'wrong' thing. Number 1, it's not true... spike days and rest days are good and healthy, as is the odd indulgence, even while losing weight.
  • angelcop74
    angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
    i go back and forth on this.. on one hand no one on this site is an expert, and every body eats, and gains weight, and loses weight differently, so it isnt anyones place to tell you if what you're eating is "right" or "wrong." I believe in a balanced diet, and eating when im hungry, and if i feel great, and work out, it shouldnt be anyone else's cause for concern.. But on the other hand, i hate when someone on MFP is complaining that nothing is working, or asking for help, but when you offer advice they get offended. Someone recently hid their diary after i suggested she might substitute one thing she ate often that was very unhealthy. I guess thats her prerogative. And when i considered deleting people who keep their diary private thats my choice as well. I wont post "Great jobs!" and "Awesome!" just because it says someone was under their cal goal. If i cant see what you're eating then im just not going to comment at all. And then i decided deleting someone for that was just me trying to control, and feel responsible for everyone elses success. Which none of us need. lol!
    So if someone has something real, and helpful to say i take it, and i try to do the same, but i wont ever presume to tell someone that what they're doing isnt right because everyone believes something different :)
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I feel the same way. I want tough love & I want to give tough love but it's hard, I dont want my friends mad at me.. I want to tell some of them "why do eat the stuff you eat & expect to lose weight??" I've also noticed a couple friends that add to their 'workout' to make sure they don't go over.. they'll have like exactly 1-2 calories left.. I'm like.. Hah, Really? Maybe a coincidence once, but every day? It's alittle obvious. I'd rather be honest & know I did bad & be held accountable for it than to lie to make it seem like I didnt go over.. It's frustrating, but I just try to be encouraging and just worry about myself & not what other's are eating & doing.

    I agree and disagree, Aren't we here for encouragement? otherwise we might as well listen to our friends who say "no, you haven't gained weight you look great!!" If I eat a family sized bag of m&ms but am still under my calorie goal i want someone to say something not "Great Job" Cuz that makes me think all they are doing is seeing the post and not looking at what I'm actually eating'
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I don't know... I don't want other people doing the accountability thing for me... i've got to be the one to do the work and keep myself accountable, you know?

    It's hard to say stuff like that to other people because you know it is hurtful when you do it to yourself! I find that I prefer to give and receive 'keep calm and carry on' motivation, because that is what really works. Chances are high that you knew exactly what you were doing when you ate that chocolate bar.

    If that helps you that is fine, but just wanted to counter the potential interpretation that we deserve to be yelled at every time we do the 'wrong' thing. Number 1, it's not true... spike days and rest days are good and healthy, as is the odd indulgence, even while losing weight.

    Well I am pretty sure Jillian Michaels and Dolvett Quince would disagree!! It's a very popular weight loss show that doesn't sugar coat or lend to excuses and people love it.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    i go back and forth on this.. on one hand no one on this site is an expert, and every body eats, and gains weight, and loses weight differently, so it isnt anyones place to tell you if what you're eating is "right" or "wrong." I believe in a balanced diet, and eating when im hungry, and if i feel great, and work out, it shouldnt be anyone else's cause for concern.. But on the other hand, i hate when someone on MFP is complaining that nothing is working, or asking for help, but when you offer advice they get offended. Someone recently hid their diary after i suggested she might substitute one thing she ate often that was very unhealthy. I guess thats her prerogative. And when i considered deleting people who keep their diary private thats my choice as well. I wont post "Great jobs!" and "Awesome!" just because it says someone was under their cal goal. If i cant see what you're eating then im just not going to comment at all. And then i decided deleting someone for that was just me trying to control, and feel responsible for everyone elses success. Which none of us need. lol!
    So if someone has something real, and helpful to say i take it, and i try to do the same, but i wont ever presume to tell someone that what they're doing isnt right because everyone believes something different :)

    you're right no one is an expert and yes everyone is different but if you're like me I have tried alot of things to lose weight so hearing from someone what worked for them can be helpful. We all know what is not healthy for us sometimes we need to hear it from someone else to realize we're doign it on a regular basis.

    These are just my opinions and what I think would help me.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    I'm game! I really do need a little tough love when it comes to my eating habits. I'm fairly active, but simply LOVE to eat - particularly Mexican food.

    By the way, I had an orange, coffee with stevia and skim milk, and double fiber toast with reduced fat peanut butter for breakfast! I have a business lunch and dinner with a vendor today and so-o want to stay on track.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I can give you some tough love!

    Great!!! haha...
  • angelcop74
    angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
    it's true, if you logged a family size m&m's on your diary i would NOT post "great job"! haha people do that all the time, hence my rant above.. I have a MFP "Friend" who only drinks slimfast, and then once a day eats something like frozen chicken fingers or something. sometimes her diary just says "quick add calories" wtf does that even mean?? This stuff makes me uneasy.
    But if you have a sweet tooth like me, and you're eating an actual 1/2c serving of low fat/low sugar treats to keep yourself balanced, i think you're ok. :)
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    it's true, if you logged a family size m&m's on your diary i would NOT post "great job"! haha people do that all the time, hence my rant above.. I have a MFP "Friend" who only drinks slimfast, and then once a day eats something like frozen chicken fingers or something. sometimes her diary just says "quick add calories" wtf does that even mean?? This stuff makes me uneasy.
    But if you have a sweet tooth like me, and you're eating an actual 1/2c serving of low fat/low sugar treats to keep yourself balanced, i think you're ok. :)

    Ya I hate it when people do that. Youi ask for help but don;t actually want it. I want it!!! hahaha. I know what I need to do to lose I just need someone to keep me on track. lol.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    But I like my excuses! They make me feel safe! :bigsmile:

    Really, I'm giving up a lot of them. Ready for the tough love, even with myself!