5'1" - whats ur intake/weight/exercise?

I'm 5'1, started at 176 about 6 weeks ago, lost about 11 pounds really fast, now i've been fluctuating for the past 2.5 weeks. I'm set to lose 1.5 lbs/wk, and given 1200 calories. Im pretty sedentary but do exercise a bit on top of that, and usually eat back about half my exercise calories.
I feel like 1200 is accurate for me bc im short and sedentary, but since ive hit this little plateau im wondering what other 5'1-ers eat and lose weight? especially anyone else who's sedentary and started around my weight? like i said i do try to get in excersize most days, even if its just a 30 min walk, but as a student im on my butt studying most of the day or at work.
If i decrease my weight loss to 1lb/wk i get 1300 calories, but i thought that since i have a significant amount of weight to lose that i should be able to lose it fast for at least a couple months?
Like i said i've only been monitoring my calories for about 6 weeks, so i havent been able to notice any real trends. Sometimes i lost when i ate over my alloted calories, sometimes i lost when i ate under, and sometimes i didnt lose either way.


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member

    Hope this helps, but for the most part you're doing the right things. Most people trying to lose fat come to a plateau and they have to change up something in their daily routine in order to continue doing so.

    The most important part you should take in from that page:
    Even though this website already has a system of calculating how many calories you really need daily (depending on how long you want to lose weight/your goal). I still think it's important to calculate your BMR (Body Metabolic Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure).

    Doing that is reassurance on your part and most importantly it's a good way to figure out how many calories you need to consume to lose body fat % and not lose much lean muscle % you already started with.

    I'll use me as an example:
    My TDEE is around 2700, and if I fell under that calorie range - I will surely lose more body fat.
    However, my BMR is around 1800, meaning if I fell under the 1800 calorie range- I'm likely to lose more lean muscle than fat.

    Good luck!
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    Well, I'm 5'2 I weigh 120 ish and I'm eating 1500-1600 to lose
    So that should tell you something? I definitely don't think your eating enough.
    You should be able to eat way more than that to lose. My guess is that you would be
    Better at 1600-1700 cals

    You need to lose weight at a sustainable pace. There's no way you
    Can be eating 1200 and feel satisfied..
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss.

    I am 5' 1/2" and started at 128. I am set at a lightly active setting as I am on my feet alot during the day. I set my goal to loose .5 lbs per week and ate 1250 plus my exercise calories. I bought a HRM as use it to determine my exercise calories. I am doing Ripped in 30 four days a week, (I do Wk 1 on Mon, Wk 2 on Tues, Wk 3 on Thurs, and Beach Bodies fat burning video on either Sat or Sun. It took me 3 months to get down to 119. This is a realistic goal for me. I feel good here. Now my calorie goal is 1450 plus my exercise calories, which ussually puts me around 1650.

    Don't give up. Try getting a couple of exercise DVD's. Ripped in Thirty and Beach Bodies P90 are really great. They are quick and really help get the metabolism up. As you gain more muscle you will burn more calories.