not getting anywhere

imjeni Posts: 13 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
HELP!! I am a 41 year old menopausel women and I have been working on weight loss since january, I was doing striaght cardio and that was not getting me any where. On april 15 I started boot camp at my gym. 2 days a week and 5 days on cardio. when i started i was 134.8lbs and 4 weeks later i was 138.8lbs. does anyone have any suggestions? (Pls don't tell me that muscle weighs more that fat)

Ready to give up :sad:


  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    what are you eating?
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? Are you losing inches?

    What's your daily calorie intake? Are you eating your exercise cals all back? Where are you getting the stats for your cals burned (HRM, gym machine, MFP, etc)? What is your heart rate? Have you been checking your body fat percentage at the gym?

    If you are weight training, are you doing that before you do cardio?

    Basically, with as little as you need to lose, you can skip the cardio to 2-3x/wk and weight train for 30 mins - 60 mins every day, with a day or two off for rest.

    Will reply with more when I see your answers to the above...
  • meaganrh
    meaganrh Posts: 24
    what are you eating?

    Also how intense is your cardio work out? and when?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Here is the only thing I can tell you from experience.

    I hired a trainer, who worked with me 2 days a week for 1 hour. I continued to do 45 minutes moderate to heavy cardio 3 other days a week.

    I gained 2 pounds, lost a full pants size and went down a full 5% in body fat after 6 weeks.

    So I wont tell you muscle weighs more than fat. But I will tell you it takes up less space and I would rather be 150 of solid muscle than 110 of fat and no definition.

    I cant give more info because your profile appears to be made up. I am unsure how much you really have to lose, and if you are 41 yr old and menopausal, we have a LOT in common.

    Ask if someone can do the calipers at the gym. You might be surprised.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • expressbug
    expressbug Posts: 100
    my fitness pal says your 18 years old could the website be calculating thing wrong for you because you have the wrong age in?
  • Scottslass
    Scottslass Posts: 76
    Hi there,

    Im 42 and had a hystorectomy and on HRT. I am finding it so difficult in loseing the weight too:grumble: . Thats why im on this new site to see if it can help me. I have tried all sorts of diets and things like that. Now i think it has to be a total life change and NOT a diet. Im going to stick to my calorie allowance and just eat healthier and have one treat a day rather than constantly depriving myself of things. I am going to do an hours walk every day, and drink all my water (2 litres a day) It's a start and ill do my best. The only thing you can do is to keep at it and the weight will come off eventually. Try and measure yourself every week the inches might be moving down even if the weight loss isen't.
    I wish you well in your weight loss journey

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    my fitness pal says your 18 years old could the website be calculating thing wrong for you because you have the wrong age in?

  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Also, try reading this article:

    And go to the posted notes on the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help", it's the first three topics (they each have a pushpin icon at the left). You may find something relevant to explain what's going on there.

  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    "So I wont tell you muscle weighs more than fat. But I will tell you it takes up less space and I would rather be 150 of solid muscle than 110 of fat and no definition."

    I agree with you 100% on that statement! I avoid the scale and base my weight loss on how my clothes fit and how my body looks in the mirror. I always say, I don't care if I 200lbs as long as my body is tight!
  • imjeni
    imjeni Posts: 13 Member
    When I first started i was eating between 1200 and 1300 calories per day. when i started bootcamp, my trainer looked at my food journal and said i needed more calories so i increased my calories to 1500 - 1800 by adding a low carb protein powder to my breakfast smoothie. I take a medication for headaches that keeps my heartrate around 120. again when i started bootcamp my body fat was 31%. a month later is was 30.7% which basically means i peed before the second reading. My cloths are not getting looser, in fact the oppisite is happening my cloths are getting tighter. For cardio i do a random program on the treadmill at level 17 it burns about 375 caloried per 45 minutes
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    YOu should include weight training and not just cardio, weight training helps your body shed the extra pounds as well. Has your eating habits changed any? Staying in your calorie range and making good meal choices?
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