Learning to love me...

hi! My name is Ann and I have two daughters Kasey 11 and Kaylee 9. I am also engaged to the best guy in the world, of course thats my opiniion and for us thats all that matters. I was married 8yrs to one abusive jerk that changed my life dramaticly. Before marriage I wore a size 16 and rode a bike, wallked miles, and hked almost every day. He seemed supportive of my interest but once we married everything I did was wrong and he becaame a total control freak. I went from maybe 170lbs to 300lbs from the I do's to the divorce. He controlled what groceries we could buy where or what I could do. Any healthy habits I had were gone. Even after he left my depressioon and chronic back pain left me in a cycle of poor eating and withdrawn from the world around me. I didn't want to acknowledge the abuse or how bad my health was. I regularly hoped i would die in my sleep and never see another day.

Well it has taken 5years but now I am in a wonderful relationship, enjoying my children, went thru two back operations with some success. i am reclaiming my life I am finding myself again. In June of 2011 I weighed 314 today I am 274 so I have lost 40lbs on my own here at home. It hasn't been easy I can't bike anymore because of my back. Wallking is hard because of back pain and nerve damage in my left leg. Walking is also hard because now I live iin a city and before I was out in the country so I fight a social phobia trying to walk around all the house, people, and traffic but I am doing better.

It is tiime for me to be kind to myself and be who I am again. And I have came a long ways and do not plan to quit now. Looking forward to meeting everyone here. I hoope I can encourage you in your goals and you can encourage me. So heres a smile for all who are looking to make some change in their life. Keep up the good work guys. :):)


  • jennasuer
    jennasuer Posts: 19
    I am proud of you and you should be too. You are very inspiring. Take back your life for you and dont give a *hit what anyone thinks when you are out there walking around. You deserve to be healthy too.
  • KBside
    KBside Posts: 45
    Good for you for taking control! The support on here is amazing and will keep you going! I am so happy to hear that you found someone who it treating you right! Love is grand! I married my high school sweetheart and he is amazing and very supportive!

    I have a ruptured disc in my lower back so I can relate to the bakc pain. It has stopped me from doing so much and I finally have had enough. I start MFP this week and I have had so much energy. My husband bought me a treadmill 2 yrs ago for christmas and I just let it sit there. This week I decided to get on it and get moving. I have been on it everyday this week, even when my back was killing me. I always used my back pain as an excuss not to do things and just got tired of it. It feels good to just get moving!

    Would love to give you the support that you need and I could also use it as well! Add me and we can get through this! Hope you have a great day! :smile:
  • CharliSue
    CharliSue Posts: 81
    Nice to meet you Ann :-) Keep trying to walk in your neighborhood. It's great exercise, even if you can only manage 15 minutes. You can do it!!!
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    You have a beautiful and amazing story. Best wishes to you, your fiance and your kids. You CAN do this!
  • Keep it up Ann, you are doing great!!!
  • Life is beautiful. It is nice to know you gain your life back.

    You know, as they say " Together we are stronger".

  • you guys all are so wonderful to hear from. thanks for the encouragement and for just letting me know your there. So far I am doing pretty good here but I, like everyone here am still working for tomorrow. See you around the community guys. :happy: