A few things that we LOVE about ourselves?

...remembering that we are all much MUCH more than just a number on the scales or tape measure:

My sense of mischief and humour
My eyes
My caring nature
My bum and legs (bigger than I'd like but still not bad!)
My boobs

...And remembering that these are the things other people see too - that make up the WHOLE us...

Anyone else?


  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm not gonna lie, I fully intended to answer this saying that I really don't have much to love right now. :( I have now decided to dig deep and really think of something.

    I'm a good friend. When my peeps need me I'm there!
    I'm a good mom.
    I like my butt. It's got a good shape and is definitely not flat. :laugh:
    I'm smart.

    Thanks for making me look for the good! :wink:
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    It's too bad that this didn't take off better. :frown: