weight loss and extra calories?

I'm curious when we enter in the exercise we do, why would we still loose weight if we ate those extra calories, it just doesn't make sense to me. Could someone please explain that to me?


  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Ideally you should give up 3500 calories of intake a week to lose a pound whether that's through strict dieting or in conjunction with increasing your daily activity it all works out the same.

    It doesn't work that way for all of us on MFP. The success at losing weight for some who are eating to the higher calories or the failure of others who eat that way is based on how they first entered their personal data when they joined MFP. As has been stated before MFP calculates or recalculates what you initial daily input should be based on that initial profile entry data and in some cases it does appear to give the member the same calories back twice.

    In the one article Banks cited website research and presented them as a one size fits all. What he presented then had and still has merit but only in that it should be viewed as a guideline to follow and not a bible to strictly adhere to.

    Never take what any website's calculations or edicts are as as anything more than a general set of rules and guidelines for you to monitor while paying attention to what's happening with your body. Not all sites, including this one, is a one size fits all because we are all so very different making it very important to pay attention to what works and doesn't work for us if we're going to be successful.

    Many of us have had to just eat the daily prescribed calories and not the bonus calories in order to lose or maintain and not to gain weight while others are able to do just the opposite. It's important that you take charge and monitor your personal success or failure instead of relying totally on a website giving you the answer you want.
  • hahahollylol
    hahahollylol Posts: 160 Member
    thank you rheston :smile: