A little tip I'd like to share...

Make sure that when you weigh yourself, you place your scale in the same place EVERY time. When I weighed myself yesterday morning, someone was in the bathroom so I couldn't place the scale in the usual spot. It showed a 3 pound gain in 2 days. This morning I weighed again, but again it wasn't in my usual spot. Another 2 pounds gained! WTF?!?! I've been sticking to my calorie limits, coming in under my daily goal most days, walking at least a mile every evening and I've been to the gym for strength training at least 3 times in the past week. Why have I gained 5 pounds in the past week?!?! Well, just a few minutes ago I placed my scale in my usual weighing spot on the bathroom floor.....I did NOT gain 5 pounds, I've actually lost a pound since last Friday!! :drinker:

So yeah, weigh yourself in the same spot every time. :laugh: