how do you know when you're there?

ok I'm 5ft 3 and half and 42. Years ago my healthy weight was in the 9 to 9st 7 range in my teens and twenties. (i fell ill in early 30's and went up to 16st) .. for most of 30's I have been overweight due to illness and developing a neurological condition, though this has eventually helped as I now take more energy to do everything! so my weight steadily dropped over 4 yr from 16st to 11st 7, then put a stone back on due to meds.. then re-started trying to lose weight intently cos I could barely sit for an hour without back going into spasms... I had to be issued with reclining power chair as I struggled to be able to sit for long enough to even attend a doctors appointment so went into an intensive neuro physio daily routine to try and slow the progression.

Since last June (at 12st 7) I've now got down to 9st 10... I seem to be hitting peri-menopause and getting two lots of bloat and cravings a month and only losing about 2lb when water comes off. My goal was 9st 7.. I'm 3lb off.. was hoping to get a pound off before next TOTM but the symptoms have kicked in again today, 2 weeks after the last ones ended.. so just gonna have to hope I can drop another 2-3lb when water comes off.

If I can't get any lower should I assume my bodies set point has changed with age? I'm 43 this June (my goal date) and haven't been in the 9 to 9st 7 range since my twenties... or should I try force my body to drop the last few pounds? (using fat burners/diet pills) .. I'm now confident I will keep it off as the intensity of involuntary muscle spasms will increase over the next few years so I'm not as worried about re-gaining it all, but suspect maintaining will get more of a challenge!


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've gained this morning.. maybe just water as I've had cravings and cramps last few days but gone back on slim fast and one low cal low carb meal a day just in case.. hard to tell I could have them another week or so before actual monthlies kick in, they're not actually due until 2nd week of April! :0(

    Maybe my bodies had enough at dieting and wants to stay in top of 9st range? (I prefer to be in lower half so don't go over 10st with TOTM!) :sad:
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    im having the same problem im also 5ft 3 but im trying to get to 120lbs(8 stone 8lbs) and seem to be stuck at around 132lbs (9 stone 6lbs) the scale just wont budge and if it does it comes right back up to 9 stone 6 within a day again, im beginning to wonder if this is where my body wants to stay but i still feel podgy as ive only got a very small frame :explode: :grumble:
    sooo annoying xx
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    My wii fit says I should be 9st 3 but I put in 5ft 4 as my height as it won't accept halves and I'm over 5ft 3 and medium build.. I think we do grow an inch taller at some point in the day.. or start an inch taller or something?

    I think 132/133lbs would suit my frame I don't know if could get to 9st 3 without looking out of proportion as lost loads more of top than I expected but tummy is still not where I wanted it to be by this stage!

    It had gone back down to 9st 9 yesterday so I daren't get back on scales again today as I know water retention is coming!.. think I'll wait until monthlies have ended now!.. and hopefully I'll be nearer to my goal!