Work travel and food

I usually eat clean, small portions and often (3 small meals and 2 snacks) but I'm struggling a bit with food when I travel.

Anybody travels a lot for work with helpful diet tips. I have been ordering soup or salad with no dressing most of the time. Dinner is killer since most restaurants portion size is 3-4X too big.


  • I agree with you and some of hotels restaurant are open buffet food. That makes it very hard to control yourself.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Subway is a great option w/o the bread or with if you have to. Ruby Tuesdays and Applebees have a low calorie & weight watchers menus where you can know how many calories are in your meal. Otherwise anyplace with a salad bar is great and you could get fish or chicken on the side with no sauce :) Good luck in all your endeavors!
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    If there's a breakfast bar- stick to fruit, oatmeal,raisins, lowfat milk. And take extra fruit back to your room for a snack :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    When I travel for work, I make up and portion my protein and freeze. I take it with me in my carryon. I take oatmeal for my carbs since it is so small and easy to prepare and I buy fruits and veggies at my location. I have a small foreman style grill I take with me to grill and reheat my meat and I'll grill potatoes, mushrooms, onions and peppers with my meals. When I have to eat out, I keep it sensible.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I usually bring granola bars and buy some fruits where I go -- this way I'm covered for breakfast and snacks.

    When you go to dinner just don't eat the whole thing. I usually take some back with me and use it as lunch the following day - especially if its a salad. Subway is a good option to since you know what you are putting on it.

    I spent most of January and February traveling. I wasn't home for more than 3 days at a time and well if you make the time you can get it done :) I woke up extra early and got a nice run in and got to see where I was staying a bit :) Then I was able to eat a little extra.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    When I travel somewhere that I have to fly to I try to hit a grocery or drug store when I get there to stock up on healthy, portable snacks that don't need to be refrigerated for the time that I'm away. Triscuits and pistacios are favorites, along with almonds, bananas, apples, granola bars, etc.

    For meals while I'm away I try to get oatmeal for breakfast, etiher at the hotel or at a Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. If my hotel has a refrigerator I sometimes buy yogurt at the store and have a yogurt for breakfast too. Lunch I usually do soup/salad (which is typically what I have whenever I'm out to eat for lunch regardless of where I'm at). Dinner I try to order something simple - chicken or fish that's grilled or broiled with light or no sauces and veggies on the side. I stay away from starchy sides and the bread basket. I don't worry so much about the portion size, but I do try to eat slowly and stop eating when I'm full, regardless of how much food is still on my plate. Saying no to dessert is usually pretty easy since I've already filled up on the dinner.

    When I travel somewhere that's close enough to take a car I follow the same general guidelines, but I typically bring snacks from home and I try to pack something healthy for any meals that I will need to eat on the road so I'm not tempted to pull into a drivethru!
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    When I travel for work, I make up and portion my protein and freeze. I take it with me in my carryon. I take oatmeal for my carbs since it is so small and easy to prepare and I buy fruits and veggies at my location. I have a small foreman style grill I take with me to grill and reheat my meat and I'll grill potatoes, mushrooms, onions and peppers with my meals. When I have to eat out, I keep it sensible.

    Wow, that's intense dedication!