Hope to be back on track!

Hey everyone! I'm stopping in just for a little support. I've been dealing with many emotions and past experiences that have had me blocking my progress and sabatoging myself for almost the past three months! It's time to start again, and I know I can do it...just feeling like I have been wasting the last three months and I don't like it. Anyway, I guess I'm just wondering some of your tips and tricks for not letting your triggers take hold. Thanks for the help.


  • Hi! I am not sure if my little pep talk will help, but I will say a bit.

    If you know your triggers, that is a good start. That makes it easier ti avoid those triggers and keep yourself going forward. Not knowing your triggers or weaknesses, all I can say is to keep an eye open for when temptations and possible trigger situations occur.

    All in all, no one is perfect, so the journey is will be rough at times. Dory was right on Finding Nemo "just keep swimming". That's the bottom line. I hope this helps. You CAN do it!
  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    I totally agree w the above poster and needing to find your triggers.

    I also know how you feel about wasting the time. I just wasted like EIGHT MONTHS! I lost nearly 30lbs and then I gained back about 22! This is my first WHOLE week back on mfp and it's been hard not beating myself up about it. I gave myself a couple of hours to have a food-free pitty party and I cried/vented about it w a friend and then I left the bagage behind, and today is a much better day. I also found an angle to help me veiw the glass as half full; it took me twice as long to gain the weight back as it did to lose it! ...and it only took me a couple of days to get back in to drinking my daily 6-8 glasses of water, instead of weeks like it did a year ago! ...and just two days back to working out and I'm starting to sleep better agian! That took weeks to do a year ago. There are a few more things, but you get the idea.

    ...anyways. What I learned from my wasted 8 months is that NO matter the reason KEEP logging! even if you aren't eating as well as you should/could be and GIFT YOURSELF AT LEAST 20 mins and go for quick paced walk so that you are doing something. I know it's hard but you just have to find the will power/strength with-in you to pull yourself up and work through it and be done it. ...and find something postive! What would tell your best friend or sister if she where in your shoes? You'd tell her how awesome she is, and how she's strong enough to overcome this and other things, and that you know she can totally do this! That's what you need to tell yourself, and keep saying it until you believe it.

    <3 Good Luck! ...and you CAN do this! :)
  • Thanks everyone! Things didn't go that great today but it was better than it has been. Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to get it right! The plus is over this time I really haven't put on any weight...it has been bouncing up and down about 3 pounds the whole time...so I'm seeing now that I didn't waste, just didn't do as much as I was hoping.

    Thanks again for the support!