Night time binge attacks!



  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Maybe your not eating enough calories during the day or trying to lose too much weight a week? If your working out especially this could be the case. I often have a protein drink after I workout at night or try to have some sort of dessert after dinner as long as I still have left over calories.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I used to be the same way! I recently have accepted the reality that I have gluten and corn intolerance, so when I cut these things out of my diet I found I was eating way more protein. My sweets cravings completely disappeared--which is hard to believe because I've never met a dessert I didn't like. I'm not saying you have to give up anything, but maybe up your protein a little bit and see if it helps you too. Good luck!
  • tarasalazar416
    Hi there im new to this too, I am too a late night eater, Once everything is done and I get to lay there and watch TV, that is when I really want to munch on things. The first thing I do is I do not buy any kind of junk food, like the ice cream and cakes. I have kids so its hard not to do that, but they are used to it. The second thing that I do is but cereals like Cheerios, the Fiber One and Fiber Plus bars too munch on, and of course fruits, but I have a hard time eating those at night... :) I still munch though when I should not so it is hard. But just keep that in mind, don't buy any of that type of food, get healthier snacks to eat during the night. I hope this helps. :)
  • pampam7619
    It wonderful that you lost all the weight!! I know what you mean about the night time munchies. I make it my point to set aside or buy healthy snacks just because of that reason. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, cheese!!!! I try to take a few of my daily calories and save them for my night time munchies.. I may eat some cheese and crackers before I go to bed. Or I may evn eat some yogurt. If you make healthy snacks availble this may help you bought the munchies..And my secreat tip, when i eat my night time munchies, I drink lots of water so I can get the full feeling. Hope it helps!!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Buy preportioned things like a 100 calorie pack, yogurt, string cheese, then when you get the craving for sweet/salty/cheese just grab one and be done. Even if you go over it isnt too bad and it should help to stop your craving =) I have the issue too, like I love a sweet at night, but most times I just sit and let it pass and it goes away. If not then I will let myself have a little something and I dont feel bad especially if I barely go over or worked out a lot during the day.
  • dsagaties1963
    I try to keep my butt parked in bed or read a book but I've started buying the smart ones - weight watchers desserts and skinny cow ice cream, 120 calories and it satisfies any cravings I might be having from chocolate to ice cream to strawberry shortcakes, but I first head for water if that doesn't cut it then I have healthy lowfat snacks, I wish we had a trader joe's near us :( Now at night only every now and then I'm hungry late at night and I've noticed its only if I didn't eat enough during the day!! Good luck..
  • tml224
    tml224 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with the previous post. As a former Super Nighttime Binger, I keep myself preoccupied OR I just go to bed. I try to catch up on some work, clean, or whatever else I can do so I am not eating while I am bored. As a last resort, I just go upstairs AWAY from the kitchen and I NEVER keep any delights ( food) upstairs. It's easier said than done, trust me! But you CAN DO IT !
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I have the same problem. I drink green tea when I get that urge it really seems to help.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    The biggest victory for me was knowing my weak spots. I love icecream and chips in the evening.

    Step 1. Make sure I have enough calories throughout the day to acomodate my inevitable snacking.
    Step 2. Don't bring the bag of chips with you. Measure out the portion and put the bag away.
    Step 3. Make an ice cream cone. That forces me to eat an ok portion.
    Step 4. Choose one thing per night for your night time snack.

    I take my weight loss seriously but I don't want to miserable in the process. I eat the right number of calories and exercise then the weight will come off.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you so much for that tip. My problem is that once I get the taste in my mouth I just can't stop. Kinda like "give an inch, take a mile" kind of theory. :(

    then dont take the first bite.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Try to leave some calories for nigh time snacking. I always have low fat popcorn and grapes late night. I can't do it any other way. I am a late night eater.

    ^^This, I have hot chocolate and Ihop stuffed french toast at night. Always save enough calories for that.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough nutrients during the day - vitamins, minerals etc. When your body is under nourished you will crave food (any) food.

    I am an all or nothing type person. If there is leftover pasta in the fridge and I start thinking about it, I will eat the whole bowl and top it off with butter. That being said I try not to buy the kinds of pasta I like. I love angel hair so I buy penne. I buy the types my son & hubby will eat but that don't appeal to me. ( i love sugar cookies, so I get Oreos for my son)

    Give your self a 10 minute time out. After 10 minutes you may not really want that snack. Mabye give yourself a facial or take a relaxing bath.

    If you do have a binge - forgive yourself and try to do better the next day.
  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    I used to binge every single night almost. Again on everything sweet, salty ANYTHING.
    I made a decision to get back into this lifestyle 100%. The first week was really hard and now it's habbit and I don't even think about binging.
    Alot of the time food is used when emotionally eating and that's where my binge attacks came from.
    Good luck!
  • desantaclause
    desantaclause Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there,

    You may not be getting enough calories in during the day. I too often eat in the evening. It used to be that I would wake up out of a dead sleep and devour a bowl of cereal, PB and J, or chocolate bar... more than once or twice a week. Since I've been logging my calories and getting an estimate of what my body needs (including allocation for workout calories earned-back) I have been timing my evening meal to be about an hour prior to bed and to meet the caloric deficit remaining in my daily "budget". Its seems to be working. I also have less craving for empty calories even if I do feel hungry afterwards.

    Hope this helps!
  • terry043
    terry043 Posts: 7
    I'm the same, once I taste it I'm lost. If you truly are not hungry, just craving, what was suggested to me and I found it to work was whitening strips for your teeth. Sounds crazy I know, but when I start prowling the kitchen because I'm craving, I whiten my teeth. The strips are on for half an hour and by the time they come off, my craving has gone and because my teeth are clean I don't want to eat anymore. Try it, the added advantage, whiter teeth.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to My Fitness Pal and I figured that I would get some advice on this current issue that I am experiencing. During the day I eat really healthy. (Don't bother looking at my Food Diary because I don't update it like I should :P). I make sure that I'm full and satisfied throughout the day.... the problem is once night time comes. Once it's time to lay down and relax it's like I've been hit with a Night Time Munchies 2x4. It's not that I crave one thing in particular, like sweets. I crave everything! I want cake, ice cream, cheddar cheese, blu cheese, etc. It's ridiculous. I always give in too and my weight is feeling the effects of my actions. How do I combat these urges and finally have the willpower to say “No, you've eaten plenty today”? I feel like I'm failing and the disappointment in myself is unbearable. So my question is, does anybody else have this problem? How do you combat it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance!


    Don't have them in your house. Keep healthy stuff instead. I stopped getting the 100 calorie snack packs as well because they are just enough to make me want to eat more. Drink lots of water and have a cup of hot tea.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    You can eat whenever you want just make sure its not fatty high calorie stuff. Also you could plan your meals out and use the tracker so that you know your body is getting what it needs. I've found logging and looking sure helps since there are actual numbers involved.
  • barbieharops
    barbieharops Posts: 2 Member
    OMG I am going through the same problem. Then the guilt I feel after thwarting my entire effort out the window is awful. I try to put my mindset in a place where I picture myself at a goal weight and feel comfortable in my skin. Maybe we deprive ourselves too much during the day. I also find that when I hit the gym after work I come home totally ravenous. I don't have any solutions but I can so identify with your problem.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
  • stayseeing
    stayseeing Posts: 48 Member
    my night-time binging had a domino effect (and still occasionally does). once i give in to one bad habit, it's all down hill. what i've started doing is saving about 150 calories for snacking at night (on a 1,200 calorie/day plan). i also began exercising at night, and i'm only allowed to eat the snack if i exercise (i'd still probably eat my calories, but it's a motivational factor to exercise). after i exercise, i have less incentive to binge.