Can I adjust my daily calorie amount?

My daily calorie amount is set at 2056 which is just way too high (5'5, 169) -- is there a way to adjust that? :smile:


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    That deosnt sound high at all.

    At your height you probably burn about 2500 cals a day so it sounds just right.

    Try this and see how close it is....

    Visit Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool. The BMR tool will give exact calories to eat on a daily basis. Add 20% to this number to get your TDEE. For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat each.
  • rudey1309
    When I initally started my calories for the day was 1200. However, I knew myself that if I tried to stick to this I would end up miserable and frustrated. So I uped it to 1500 to start with. I then increased it by 50 every week. I was loosing weight so it must have been working. Im currently on 1300 per day and feel that about right for me personally at this time, ive maintain for the past several weeks but i have been out to eat and away for the weekend so that probably why.

    Maybe try uping them and if you gain or maintain then reduce them again. If you lose then carry on until you stop

    Hope this helps