I broke my HRM!!!!!!

Well, last night, I decided it was time to change the battery in my HRM, because sometimes, it is just all over the place with the readings....down to 65 up to 280 all the while I am doing my normal walking/running. So....I take the back off to change the battery, and take it out only to find out I had purchased the wrong size. Ok, time to put back together....and it wouldnt work. One of the pins on the side had gotten smashed and wasnt lining up correctly, ok..take out, fix, put back in....now the other pin wasnt working....in and out fix and put back in for at least an hour until one of the things broke!! Needless to say.. I am pissed!!! I did not want this expense right now..but I loooove my hrm. It was a Polar 4. Any other suggestions on what is good?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have a New Balance N4 & have been very satisfied with it. They are on sale at Target this week (I think) for around $64, but they might still be less on Amazon or other online sites. I have changed the battery in the chest strap, too - very easy process and no pins!
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Bummer!! By any chance did you buy the warranty for it,i have a Polar FT4,and got the warranty for 2 yrs.it was about $16 extra,but i think worth it!! I love my hrm also and would hate to suddenly buy a new one!! Good luck!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Was it a Polar F4 or a Polar FT4? If it was the FT4 then you can try to change it yourself.. but if it was an F4,it prob. should have been sent in.

    You can send in to Polar for repair and see what they say... If it's pretty new, it may still be under warranty.

    Otherwise, just buy another Polar.. They really are the best HRM. Amazon always has good deals.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    It was the Polar F4, and I purchased on Ebay, so no warranty for me. I just went ahead and got the Polar
    FT7 ....pretty nice, and I found a great sale for 77.00