I'm getting frustrated!! (Thighs)



  • isa474
    isa474 Posts: 47 Member
    Butt bible....that is the funniest thing lol. Well sometimes you have a specific shape and there is not much you can do but learn how to just accept and love it. But maybe you might want to try lifting light weights and at least 25 to 30 reps per set. This should help you burn. Up your protein to carb ratio. I would stay at 1200 cal as u are already doing. Keep Up The good work
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Seriously, don't add weight to your squats and lunges if you want smaller thighs. I have 26" thighs. In the last year from weighted squats, deads and lunges, I have unintentionally reshaped my body so that I have giant quads and a much smaller waist. My body looks better but my thighs were smaller inch-wise when I was fatter with less muscle. I previously did bodyweight squats and lunges all the time until the last year. And in the last year, contrary to those posts about women not being able to get bulky without really trying, I was lifting for strength, not hypertrophy (low reps, powerlifting scheme, not body building scheme). I have lost 10% BF but pants are a size too big in waist and a size too small in thighs. I am going to have to get those special Barbell brand jeans.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Some people simply have narrower hips and their thighs will always touch. Others have naturally muscular legs that will not slim down unless you starve yourself. If you are one of these then you will just have to learn to love it (or at least live with it). I have Polish genetics which blessed me with huge, powerful thighs and I wouldn't change them for the world. I do want them to be lean and muscular but I don't expect or want to be thin and willowy in this lifetime.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    edited January 2015
    Definitely don't go by what the machine says you're burning. Chances are you're not really burning 600 calories. If you want a true representation of what you're burning you'll need an HRM.

    And I agree with the above poster. If you're burning 600 calories (which I don't think you are) then you're only netting 600 calories a day. How are you still standing?! You need to eat way more than 1200 calories if you're exercising that much.
  • KarenB927
    KarenB927 Posts: 94 Member
    I found the Butt Bible workout on YouTube. I am so giving the 6 week program a try. I swear when she was talking about the flat, wrinkly, raisin butt, she was talking about me, LOL.
  • FullOnBurn
    FullOnBurn Posts: 43 Member
    Lift weights, squats, deadlifts, lunges, glute raises. reddit xxfitness has a lot of tips specifically for ladies