Help me stop the burning in my shins

So i just took up jogging about 10 days ago, and i kind of enjoy it, i alternate walking and jogging during my routine. The only problem is when i start to jog and whenever i am jogging my have a horrible burning in my shins everything else feels good but my shins. It hurts really bad like not a good successful hurt, but a bad im going to stop hurt. i Want to keep going, i havent come this far to stop now.

If anyone has any sort of advice ill take it all.



  • qupert
    qupert Posts: 12
    I don't know if you are jogging outside or on a machine, but I had the exact issue. I switched over to the Arc Trainer from the treadmill, and not only do I burn twice as many calories, but I have no pains anywhere any more. :)
  • alundgren2002
    Get to a good running store and have them check your gait and shoes. Sounds like you are getting shin splints. These are icky and often times with proper shoes AND shorten your stride (you should feel a bit hobbled) they will go away. It is about turnover rate, not length of stride. Also, ice up your skins after to help with this for now.
  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    Go to a running store and get fitted for a new pair of shoes. Shoes are the most important piece of equipment for runners.
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    Sounds like shin splints. Let them heal....and then it really helped me prevent them by keeping my legs warm when I run, as in no shorts! That's why dancers wear legwarmers.
    Hope that helps u too
  • dtpss188
    dtpss188 Posts: 85
    Get good shoes - YES.

    Keeping your legs warm - HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SHIN SPLINTS (Sorry not to offend your well intentioned advice.)

    The actual solution.........after consulting with a physical therapist.......... STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES, STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES, STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES, STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES.

    It may take a while for the shin splints to ease up, but you must stretch your calf muscles every single day. The pre-tibial muscles are over working against tight gastroc/soleus complex (calf) and this is causing the pain you feel in the "shin" area. Take my advice or not, this is what you must do.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I used to do this when I ran track in HS: take a plastic disposable party cup and fill it with water. Place it in the freezer and let it freeze (overnight or a few hrs). Once it's frozen peel/cut off about and inch from the cup so that the ice is exposed. Run the ice down your shin with slight pressure for a few minutes. This should help the calcium deposits to dissipate.

    Good Luck!
  • Amkenpoka
    Amkenpoka Posts: 11 Member
    The actual solution.........after consulting with a physical therapist.......... STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES, STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES, STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES, STRETCH YOUR CALF MUSCLES.

    Right on this is exactly how
  • tevez032
    tevez032 Posts: 47 Member
    I had the same problem when I started C25K. I ran the first couple of sessions (road jogging) in my Addidas Samba football trainers (bad idea!) and got horrendous shin pain. I rested for a week and got a pair of proper running shoes, then restarted the plan. I got similar pain in my shins, but not as bad and this lasted for about 3 or 4 weeks until my body just got used to it and the pain hasn't returned.

    Stretching properly beforehand helped a lot, too.

    Maybe you have bad shoes or are just overdoing it a bit? You are only 10 days in after all. take a day (or 2) off in between your runs to let your legs recover fully.
  • MeganKG21
    Ive been going everyday since i started either going for walks or mixing it up walking and jogging. and i started with like 2 or 3 miles. ive dropped back to walk/jogging for a mile since the pain started to intensify. i should probably get new shoes, my current ones are crosstrainers and about 3 to 4 years old. i will increase the stretching before the walk and hopefully it will subside. to answer some questions i saw, i jog outside in my neighborhood or on a bike trail. i dont think i could stop for a full week, if i dont do it for a day i feel so guilty and gross.

    Main things
    1. Get new shoes
    2. Stretch
    3. Ice

    Thanks everyone