Doing it on your own.....

I know that there are many diet and exercise programs out there which are available for a nominal fee. Places like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, gym memberships, and hiring a personal trainer are all excellent tools to help lose or maintain your weight. However, not everyone can afford to go out and hire a trainer or a gym membership or membership in Weight Watchers. I want to hear from those who have lost weight without the benefits of these programs.

How did you do it? Did you lose a significant amount of weight? Have you maintained your weight loss?

I'm just looking for others out there who have been able to shed the weight on their own and would really like to hear any tips or advice that you may have so that I can apply it to my own diet and exercise routine. Being a poor college student makes it rather hard to come across things like that which fit within my budget.


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I came here in Jan 08 and in 4mnths lost 30 pounds
    I only counted cals
    I didn't even work out initially, never belonged to a gym
    Recently I've gotten more interested in fitness and exc and have begun walking/running on the treadmill as well as doing yoga and other work out DVD's
    I've put on 3 pounds from my lowest last summer but other than that have maintained the majority of what I've lost
    When loosing I ate 1490 cals and since maintaning I shoot for 1800-200 cals depending on my work out

    Let me know if u have any questions, Kim
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I personally have done better with the free website support from fellow dieters on this site and a low carb support group I also belong to.

    I have tried weight watchers, nutri-system, jenny craig and gained weight on those plans..........

    For me, it helps to correspond with people that are just like me.
  • ma9321
    ma9321 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey there!!!
    It can be done!!!!
    I lost 75 lbs by making the right food choices and walking!!
    I walked and walked and walked...... got up to jogging/running. I was never able to do it because of my weight and my asthma. I have very weak lungs but was able to strengthen them.
    Then I threw in strength training to start building some muscle.

    I got pregnant... couldn't exercise... so i gained more weight than what I really wanted.

    Now... I do have a gym membership... but I still go out for walks/jogs at the park. The sunshine and fresh air beat the treadmill!!
  • AHealthierMe
    AHealthierMe Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I started this about three months ago at most and set my goal at a half pound per week. Primarily started walking for 15 minutes on my breaks at work and sneak in a quick walk with my dog. If I have time I might sneak to the gym for 40 minutes of cardio no more than 1-2 times per week right now. It has been slow but I am pleased with my progress. Just eating a bit healthier but still eating most of the foods I normally do. Maybe just a bit less.... I think the 30 minute walks a day in smaller increments has helped a lot. Good luck!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    You know, I have tried a lot of different methods. WW is a good program but I fell off of it for some reason.

    I knew this time around, if it was going to be FOR GOOD, it needed to be done a different way. And it takes patience and knowledge.

    First of all, I stopped thinking about TIME..and how fast I needed to do it. I just said "OK, let's get started!" and took it a week at a time. I slowly made one change after another and eased into a new way of living over the 16 months it took me to lose 135 lbs.

    I think counting calories and exercising is the way to go because you can do it anywhere and anytime and go at your own pace. And the internet and food labels make it so easy to find out the information you need to count. You can use a food scale and measuring cups and spoons to teach yourself about proper portions.

    I exercised a lot and fueled myself with plenty of food (but not too much) and taught myself a new way of living and thinking. I stopped thinking it had to be all or nothing. I made the healthy/active living my "norm" and let the "occasional splurge" be JUST that...occasional! But by knowing I COULD relax and enjoy here or there....took the pressure off me and made me not really stress out about it. And every time I did enjoy an occasional splurge and then got back on track the next meal or day....I got more and more confident in myself to do this forever.

    I reached my goal weight in January..the same week I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. And I have put on a little weight with baby but not a ton(I am over 23 weeks now)...I still go to the gym and am active..and taking care of myself. Knowing that I didn't immediately jump back into old habits with the excuse of pregnancy has been a HUGE test for me and I feel so proud of that!!

    YOU can get there too. Food is not in control of you anymore. YOU control IT! When you take back that control is when you succeed! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!!!
  • Scottslass
    Scottslass Posts: 76
    I once decided to do a diet on my own. I did really well. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months. I done this by walking an hour every day watching my calorie intake and drinking plenty of water. This is the most i have ever lost in my life! I did do weight watchers and stuff.......but NEVER done as well as that. Unfortunatly i have put all the weight back on and that is why i have joined MFP. I also cannot afford to pay for classes or the gym. So im going to do as i done before and do it myself. I have started to walk again and i feel great. Just joined today and it is great that this site is free!

    Wishing you well on your weight loss journey:smile:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey, I personally signed up here in April 08, but didn't start using it until Jan 21st this year. I have lost most my weight by eating my cals (1200 cals ) and exercising here at home. I started with just putting on some club music and dancing in the livingroom....and not real pretty either LOL just moving everything, then I worked up to jumping jacks and push ups. I live in a bad part of town so going for walks was not an option (no running car). So I went on Craigslist and found a Gazelle for $30 and started using that. and 22 pounds later and still workin' at it!


    Good luck!

  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I feel like programs like that are a crutch to help you lose weight ... however it doesn't necessarily teach you the skills needed to keep it up. I have nothing against them, but to be able to eat food that has been modified to be a healthier version makes it difficult to make it in the real world. They send you food in perfect portions, etc. Where as if you were to learn by seeing a nutritionist or from advice on these sites what the right portions are for you, what foods give you what nutrtion etc. Than not only are you saving money (by not paying for the those programs) but you now have the education to take you through your whole life and to teach your family and friends. At least that's how I feel :-)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Since staring here a little over a year ago, I have spent about $180 toward my weightloss. That includes 100 bucks for my bike from Target, and 80 bucks for the bike trainer so I can ride in the winter.

    But those are one time costs that I can continue to use until they die. Other than that during the spring summer and fall I ride my bike for free or go for walks for free and ride on the bike trainer for free in the witner and I log my calories and exercise on here. I haven't spent any more money on food as I just find ways to make normal everyday food healthy. If anything I spend less on food because I have since began making a menu every two weeks and pretty much only buying what is on the menu, thus wasting less food that I really didn't need to buy in the first place.

    Oh, I might spend 80 bucks in the near future for an HRM, but I have been doing just fine without one, so maybe not:happy:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I walked. I ran. I rode my bike. I went hiking, and rock climbing. I used MFP. Other than that I bought a couple bits of exercise equipment here and there but most of it cost me nothing except time.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    In the past, I've tried atkins, weight watchers, bariatric clinic - with appetite suppressants....they worked but of course I gained all I lost back and then some each time...the changes I was making were short term.

    I began using this site Sep 1 - with a challenge with my male co-workers to see who could meet their weight loss goal by mid Dec - I met and beat my goal by 15 pounds AND beat all the guys....kinda a fun way to start off.

    I started with 1200 calories a day did great for 4 months but my loss stalled until I went up to 1300-1400 calories a day - I watch my calories and fat primarily but also keep an eye on fiber, protein, and sodium - I want to be sure I am feeding my body not just eating. I didn't really start exercising until February consistently and now I find I am exercising about 5 days a week and I hate off days....I have been consistently losing 5 pounds a month since the first of the year - I am very happy with how this has gone - little by little I've found that the changes I've made seem normal - like why would I eat french fries and feel sick to my stomach all afternoon after - I feel so much better fueling my body...

    My life is forever changed with a lot of kudos to this website....I love the stories, inspirations, kicks in the butt,'s an amazing thing we have here.

    If you are looking for free exercise - take a walk, there's tons of sites with other exercises too, even routines that you can print off for don't have to pay to exercise, just get out and move!

    Best of luck to you!
  • applepie
    applepie Posts: 105 Member

    The in home walking DVD's by Leslie Sansone are what I use. Love them, they are perfect for someone who has to work around schedules because you can just pop one in the dvd player when you have the chance. On the have to be committed. It's easy to put it off until late at night when you have it right there in your house. But if you just commit to a daily or every other day plan, you should have great success. Good luck to you! :D
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    im in the same boat with you, i cant afford the gym at the moment and i just think siging a contract is ridiculous and all these fees and crap. anyway ive been walking alot more and doing my wii fit constantly and ive lost 5pds so far. ive been doin this lifestyle change for 22 days now so im proud to say ive lost 5 pounds. also check ebay out they have some cheap videos as well.
  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    Thank you guys so much for all of the advice. I needed it--My motivation was flagging a bit and I was about half-decided that there was no way I could do this on my own. But thanks to all of you and your success on your own weight-loss journeys, I know that I can do it. Thanks again!