Help =( All I do is eat!

So recently (like yesterday) all I have been doing is eating or snacking. I feel like a pig! And I'm scared if I keep doing this Im going to put my weight back on or get bigger! Yes, I drink water and then if I still feel like Im starving..I eat again!

I feel if I keep going at this rate, I will be eating myself into a fatty mcfatty. :( HELPPPPP


  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    Ask yourself why you are eating and be honest with yourself. Is it emotional hunger?

    Your mind is like a computer... it has learned through years of programming that it can eat lots of the types of food... you are now re-programming it to eat healthy foods and stop when you are hungry, which will take time. During the re-programming process you will encounter a few 'bugs / glitches' but you can deal with these as you go.
    Your new program will serve you for a full and healthy life in the long run and so worth giving it attention & spending the time to understand it.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Time to gain some self control, get back on track and stop doing what you're doing! :)
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm staying under my calories though. Does it matter if I snack so much if I stay under my calories?? COuld it be my metabolism is kicking in which is making me hungry?? I'm not snacking bad, just snacking a lot...
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    When I am truely hungry I eat. Ig you don't have enough calories that day then work out more so you do.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Physical hunger presents itself slowly and causes you to crave good for you nutrients (vegetables, carbs, meats, etc).
    whereas emotional hunger is urgent and has a sudden onset and causes you to crave junk (ice cream, candy, pizza, fast food, etc).

    If you are really worried about your eating habits, make sure that you have healthy, low calorie snacks at hand.

    If you find that you're eating a lot you may truly be hungry. Try eating more protein, it helps to make you full. You may need to reevaluate your diet. Binges are typically brought on after depriving yourself for too long.

    Best of luck.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Have you severely restricted your calories? A lot of people who have lowered their calories too much will experience this. They can stick with it for awhile, but after a few weeks (sometimes more, sometimes less) they simply can't take it anymore and start eating and eating and eating.

    Or is it emotional eating? Are you doing it because you're bored, angry, sad? Boredom eating a big one. As is, stress eating.

    You need to take a step back and really evaluate WHY you're eating constantly. Is it true hunger? Are you eating enough healthy foods? Are you dehydrated? A lot of times people mistake thirst with hunger (I used to do it all the time).
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Just keep in you calorie goal it will up your metabolism to eat many time throughout the day.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    if you are staying under your calories thats probably why you are snacking.
    Make your meals larger (with the right foods) to stave off the hunger
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm staying under my calories though. Does it matter if I snack so much if I stay under my calories?? COuld it be my metabolism is kicking in which is making me hungry?? I'm not snacking bad, just snacking a lot...

    Staying under your calories is all that matters. Make sure that you eat every last calorie though. People that consistently stay 100-200 calories below their limit will be more hungry.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    If you're staying under calories, dont worry about it. If you're going over the calories a bit (like couple of hundred calories) then try going outside and running to burn those calories off.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    I looked at your diary and it looks like you're doing just fine! If you snack, you are snacking healthy.. are you eating many small meals? You'll be less hungry if you eat 5-6 times a day. As long as you are eating healthy snacks and not overdoing it on calories you will be loosing weight! Keep on trucking!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you're staying under your calories, then it's okay to snack!!!!!!! Have you tried making sure you have a protein, carb, and fiber at each meal? It helps you feel full longer to balance it out. Some of your meals look pretty good, but some times it looks like either a lot of protein or a lot of carbs. If you mix them, it might really help the hunger.

    All that being said, back to my original statement, snacks are totally fine if you're not going over your calories.
  • elkano
    elkano Posts: 14
    This might be nonsense for some, but I find either chewing a piece of gum or brushing my teeth to work wonders on curving my cravings. If not, I'll do a few minutes of jumping jacks/jogging in place, or even push-ups, to remind me of how good it feels to just... Be active and resist temptation!

    I'm sure you'll be fine. You might be semi-boredom eating, so if you have something to keep you occupied (go for a walk, maybe?), you'll find the urge to eat will dissipate. I know, typing all of this out is so much easier than actually just having something click and change your mind entirely. I'm still suffering from this a bit.

    Regardless of if this were helpful or not; good luck!

    Edit; Ahh, seems you're still maintaining calories. Silly! As long as it's healthy and not overboard, you're doing great.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    If you're at or under maintenance calories, it doesn't matter if you snack.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    By the looks of our dairy it looks like you aren't eating enough protein and veggies. Add more of that and it will fill you up like crazy! After dinenr have one snack within your calorie count and then brush your teeth. You'll be less likely to snack anymore!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Try having more nutritious meals...aka more protein and fiber.

    You aren't actually going over your calorie goal (from what I see in your diary) so I doubt you're going to gain weight back but you want to make sure you are actually hungry when you eat and not bored/tired/sad/etc.

    Switch things up a bit and I"m sure you'll find what works best for you.
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks all for the information. What is ya'lls examples of small meals? I always thought small meals were snacks! Goodness. I honestly think my body is just getting used to this new "lifestyle"
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Eating small meals more frequently would probably benefit you. I was a snacker, but eating meals through out the day is much more satisfying.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Thanks all for the information. What is ya'lls examples of small meals? I always thought small meals were snacks! Goodness. I honestly think my body is just getting used to this new "lifestyle"

    You can look at my diary! Not from yesterday though, that was a disaster! But I do a pretty good job of eating and snacking all day, but never at night!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I'm staying under my calories though. Does it matter if I snack so much if I stay under my calories?? COuld it be my metabolism is kicking in which is making me hungry?? I'm not snacking bad, just snacking a lot...

    I think that is okay, I eat all day, I think your supposed too. And I eat back all my exercise calories too. I've lost 20lbs so I wouldn't worry if I were you. That's what is so great to me about MFP, I found out I could eat and still lose weight.