Need New Running Shoes

I am in desperate need of new running old ones are giving me blisters...i need some suggestions for what to get...i usally only ware nike shocks but i was never a hardcore running or excersiser...although i dont know if i want to get the toe shoes...i want normal running shoes


  • I had a huge problem with "normal" running shoes. I would get blisters on my toes, the back of my heel, and on the pads of my feet. I also would always get cramps in my calves when I ran. When I wear my Vibrams, I have 0 of these problems. I know you're against it, but if you're willing to try something new and different, I highly suggest them!
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    Your best bet is going to a store that specifically sells running shoes. Where I live, these stores have treadmills where the staff will have you get on and start running. This allows them to see your stride and how your foot hits, and also look at foot shape...then they suggest the proper shoe for your feet. I currently wear Puma Faas 250, they are super light, I have no complaints....bottom line, get what works for you
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    Yes, go to a running shoe store, they'll look at your feet and show you what's going to work for you with the way you run. You'll pay a bit more, but the shoes will last a long time if you take care of them and you wont need to replace them because they hurt your feet.
  • Hey u should try the reebok zig tech the are good runnig shes and they are light on your feet and let me know if those work for u?
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 654 Member
    The only answer to this question/issue is go to a running store and get fitted for the correct running shoe.