anyone else got rubbish knees??



  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Yeah - same here. Had knee surgery for a torn meniscis last summer after reinjuring my knee doing my 3rd half marathon. Packed on an extra 14 pounds while I was out of commission which is part of what drove me back to MFP in October. My ortho gave a list of suggested exercises to my trainer so I could restrengthen my knee although he didn't think I should run anymore. He doesn't know I have lost 39 pounds and counting and am going to run anyway.

    Exercises that have helped:
    Treadmill to rebuild rather than street running
    ***Core strengthening exercises - amazing how that helps my running speed!!
    IT band exercises
    Abduction and adduction exercises for inner and outer thighs
    Squats, lunges, step exercises with weights (sometimes hand sometimes ankle)
    Leg presses
    Planks (yeah, I know they are killer)
    Stationary bike

    Working with my trainer really helps to avoid injury but still push forward beyond what I trust my body to do so I can do what it can actually do. Fear and trust are big with vulnerable body parts, especially for us that are obese.

    I did a 5K in February that was my best time ever, am now reconditining my legs and knees to road work, will do a 5k this Saturday, a 10k trail run in two weeks, and a half marathon in 10 weeks. Not bad for a grandma with bad knees!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Yeah, I have bad knees and have since I was 22. Stregth training, especially the core but also some careful leg work has helped lately. Yoga actually did too. The goal is to activate all the other muscles to take pressure off the knees.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Totally bum knees. My theory is... why run? There are plenty of incredibly good lower impact exercises :)

    Unless you really want to become a runner, than do as the doc said and build up the muscles around it like mad before starting...
  • NinjaChickie
    NinjaChickie Posts: 118 Member
    I have the same problem, and avoid squats and lunges like the plague!
    So are you guys saying I should be doing these anyway, to build up strength and eventually I won't have bad knees?

    I sprained my MCL several years ago. Physio had me on stationary bike with zero resistance and then what seemed like endless squats & lunges for 2 months.

    Even now, if I don't warm up my knees properly before a jog, it does ache but only for a few hours max. I rarely ever need to ice it.

    Last time it hurt bad was because I thought I could handle a spinning class, 8 minutes into class I realized how wrong that idea was and had to sit out and just watch.
  • Chris_acc_can
    If you wish to do cardio, do machines/exercises that are low impact on the knee. Use a bike or if your gym has a pool, swim.

    The knee is the meeting point for several muscles in your body. The three you want to focus on is your quads, hamstring, and calfs. Strengthen them and your problems will be alleviated.

    Some exercises: Squat (can vary it, regular, wide, narrow, sumo, single leg, etc...), lunges, deadlifts, leg press, leg extension, leg curls, seated and standing calf raises (do both as they work separate parts of calf). There are tons, just need to do some research or buy a book on exercises.

    Start with body weight only and increase gradually increase weight. Use pain/discomfort in the knee as the guideline. When doing these exercises avoid locking your knee (always keep a slight bend).

    Over time things will get better. Also weight loss will also take strain off the knee, as you begin to realize your goal the knee problem should lessen.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Two knee surgeries including a cartilage graft about four months ago. I was running on a treadmill at about 5mph (all I could handle without real pain in my knee) and then had the surgery. My surgeon told me I should be able to run "soon", but so far I don't think I could tolerate it. I'm going to the gym almost everyday and still doing PT (I think I'm going to stop this since I can do everything on my own). They told me it would take a year to feel "normal" after this last surgery. I'm hoping I'll be able to do some running soon, but I'm not that optimistic. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    I looked at the cartilage graft info in case I need to go that route - recovery time seemed really long before I could start running again. Hope it goes well.

    Totally bum knees. My theory is... why run? There are plenty of incredibly good lower impact exercises :)

    Sometimes ya just gotta run.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I've got really crappy knees, they click like anything as the knee caps are slightly flat. I'm only 22 as well which is pretty lame!

    the doc told me to build the muscles around the knee but avoid impact like running but eventually i want to be able to run. to run a decent mile is a huge goal for me due to a humiliation in school i want to put to bed.

    any of you run with bad knees? I don't want to steam in and dislocate something but don't just want to keep walking on the treadmill!
    any good tips for strengthening them?

    thanks MFpals :)


    I can't imagine why anyone would run if the doctor specifically said not to. I have a friend who has been told not to run if he plans to even be able to walk in ten years (both his knees and hips already replaced), and he switched to rowing and biking. If you're not near water, I suppose rowing is out, but biking would be less stressful for your knees.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    What kind of braces are you guys using? I've tried them in the past with very little successs. I have kneecap tracking issues (which is VERY common). I've been doing squat and lunges and running, but my knees still swell and hurt if I overdo it or don't pay attention and allow them to track incorrectly.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I WAS running with bad knees, but this week(after many Xrays, etc....) my Dr recommended I stop. She said if I do want to, that I should take 2 Advil, 1 hour before and ice them afterwards.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    I've not been told i will never be able to run just to avoid it until my knees are stronger.

    i want to run as in school i was bullied bad because i could only run a 16 minute mile in PE (i was a very unfit and overweight kid) and cause this made me feel so bad I haven't tried to run since. it was totally humiliating.
    but i want to start running as a finger up to my old self and the old people that made my life hell for being chubby!

    i know it sounds stupid but its something for me to work towards. i just need to get batter, i am biking, elliptical and walking. also doing yoga and zumba.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Both knees hurt, but mostly it's my left knee. Physical therapist told me squats, lunges, and other knee strengthening exercises. Also, be sure you get a good pair of running shoes. They're pricey, but if you're only using them for workouts and running, they should last for quite some time. I do use the treadmill in most of my gym workouts, but I also use the eliptical. It's hard to get used to it at first, but I can go at a much faster pace on the eliptical without putting too much stress on my knee.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've not been told i will never be able to run just to avoid it until my knees are stronger.

    i want to run as in school i was bullied bad because i could only run a 16 minute mile in PE (i was a very unfit and overweight kid) and cause this made me feel so bad I haven't tried to run since. it was totally humiliating.
    but i want to start running as a finger up to my old self and the old people that made my life hell for being chubby!

    i know it sounds stupid but its something for me to work towards. i just need to get batter, i am biking, elliptical and walking. also doing yoga and zumba.

    I feel you on that one. I've got alot of haunting memories I'd like to put to rest, as well. Add me as a friend, if you like. :smile:
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    If you wish to do cardio, do machines/exercises that are low impact on the knee. Use a bike or if your gym has a pool, swim.

    The knee is the meeting point for several muscles in your body. The three you want to focus on is your quads, hamstring, and calfs. Strengthen them and your problems will be alleviated.

    Some exercises: Squat (can vary it, regular, wide, narrow, sumo, single leg, etc...), lunges, deadlifts, leg press, leg extension, leg curls, seated and standing calf raises (do both as they work separate parts of calf). There are tons, just need to do some research or buy a book on exercises.

    Start with body weight only and increase gradually increase weight. Use pain/discomfort in the knee as the guideline. When doing these exercises avoid locking your knee (always keep a slight bend).

    Over time things will get better. Also weight loss will also take strain off the knee, as you begin to realize your goal the knee problem should lessen.

    You sound very well informed. Are you a fitness pro, physical therapist, athlete, etc...? Or have you just had alot of personal experience with this sort of thing? Just curious.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    My knees are jacked up too. I have been strengthening my legs with the elliptical, you can use a bike too, my physical therapist did. I do some walking now that my knees are stronger and lots of lunges and squats, make sure your form is on point. I am now going to start running a little bit at a time. I did kick boxing recently and that killed my knees after 4 weeks I just could not take it anymore so I stopped. Do what feels good, stop when you feel pain.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    my knees are shot do to years of competitive trail riding and being overweight. I have found swimming has helped a lot .my physical therapist recommended this. and weight loss.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    You have to build yourself up to it. I myself have what is called Osgood-Schlatter Disease, I have had it sense I was in fourth grade. It is a disease that was explained to me that it causes you to grow too fast and it is arthritis in the knee; along with that I also have shine splinters.

    But as long as you build up to it and don’t go overboard you should be fine ease your way into it just like you would anything else. That is why most fail at working out they push too hard at first and think I can do this for an hour then they think oh I can do this longer. It just makes you burn out and not want to do it. So we all have to take baby steps and ease into the full running.

    Good Luck
  • JackLeaMason
    JackLeaMason Posts: 22 Member
    I was holding my knee as I read this. My knees are so bad I once dislocated one playing chess. No *kitten*!

    C2 rowing is the absolute best exercise for bad knees. It is a low impact isometric movement that works your whole body, legs, core, arms, back and most of all your heart. Anyone from an overweight, 75 year-old bypass patient to an Olympic rowing medal winner can achieve a fulfilling workout on the same machine. Best of all your progress is recorded incrementally with an on board computer that you can download online and track your progress just like you do on MFP.

    Daylight savings time and business travel screwed up my morning workouts. However, I did about 20 minutes today for the first time in two weeks and feel great.

    I urge anyone with a physical disability or a mental aversion to exercise to get on one of these machines and start feeling better. After all, why are you on this site in the first place?
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I've got really crappy knees, they click like anything as the knee caps are slightly flat. I'm only 22 as well which is pretty lame!

    the doc told me to build the muscles around the knee but avoid impact like running but eventually i want to be able to run. to run a decent mile is a huge goal for me due to a humiliation in school i want to put to bed.

    any of you run with bad knees? I don't want to steam in and dislocate something but don't just want to keep walking on the treadmill!
    any good tips for strengthening them?

    thanks MFpals :)


    I can't imagine why anyone would run if the doctor specifically said not to. I have a friend who has been told not to run if he plans to even be able to walk in ten years (both his knees and hips already replaced), and he switched to rowing and biking. If you're not near water, I suppose rowing is out, but biking would be less stressful for your knees.

    I know its a different situation, but my doctor told me not to run or lift. But then he was a fat idiot. My sport physician/therapists tortured me with running and lifting.
  • TheOneBlackMage
    TheOneBlackMage Posts: 7 Member
    I have Patello-Femoral Syndrome in my left knee, and had been ignoring it for about 4 years by avoiding exercise that would jolt my knees. So I would use an elliptical or cycling rather than running, and avoid activities that would make me put weight on the knee. Basically it would start to really hurt, click, and when I started to put lots of weight on it like doing squats, my leg would shake, although I never had it give out on me.

    Finally I started physio for the problem, and I've been working on a number of exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Started with correcting some form, and building up muscle, now at the point where we are isolating on each side.

    They also did weekly treatments using ultrasound to try to build up cartilage, and also tried laser, acupuncture, and electro therapy, although I don't know how effective it was. I'm going once a month now for check up and new exercises.

    1. Squats
    -Started without weight to get the form right, now able to use the cage with about 70lbs on the bar. I would have to stand a bit wider with my feet pointing outwards slightly. To make it easier on the calves, I would also put a weight under my heel so I would be at a bit of an incline.
    -Eventually I started doing one legged squats using a TRX/rings for stabilization/support. This is where I am now to isolate the muscles.

    2. Box step ups
    -Started with 20 pounds in each hand, stepping forward onto the box, 10 on each side then switching
    -Now doing side step-ups by standing parallel to the box, and stepping sideways and up, with my toes pointing outwards a bit

    3. IT Band strengthening
    -Clamshell using resistance band
    -Adductor machine at the gym with about 120lbs weight

    4. Lunges
    -Forward for 10 counts on each side, with 20-30 lbs in hand.

    5. Deadlifts/Stiff Legged Deadlifts
    -Both of these to strengthen hamstring and quads

    5. Running/Skipping
    -This is to help get used to the shock on the knees, and was only started after most of the strengthening exercises made a difference. Either treadmill or skipping for 30-60 seconds (or until it starts to hurt), rest, and repeat for about 5-10 minutes.

    6. Stretching
    -This is the main part of the therapy, and has to be done every day. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Quads, glutes, calves, hamstrings.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    3 words; stationary bike,+ walking

    works great for my blown out knee's
    just go easy on um:wink: