Help - Exercising and eating better and I cannot lose only g

Need Advice please..... ... So I quit smoking on Feb 2nd, only gained a pound... yippeeee. so I started to go to the gym at work after work, but i only have about 30 mins, so i do 1 mile on the elliptical, then a do some of machines, then I finish in the exersise room doing 2 sets of 25 squats and 25 lunges, I also do some power walking at lunch for about 40 minutes (4 days a week)! I drink my protein shake for breakfast (because it is just easier) usually greek yogert about an hour before my walk, a large salad for lunch (lots of greens and some grilled chicken) then I have my 'normal' dinners at home. I have been really good doing this for 3 weeks now! and I HAVE GAINED 5 lbs... WTH am I doing wrong? PLease help, any advice would be great! i just started to use myfitnesspal again after about a year! so I have only logged my stuff since Monday of this week.


  • singitella
    Hi Blueyes,

    I noticed that once I started tracking everything I eat and drink, I have been much better at not going for the high calorie things. I try to drink a lot of water, avoid salt and not eat for a couple hours before bedtime, too. Quitting smoking can slow down your metabolism a bit. When I quit, I made sure to eat small meals frequently and (not sure if this is good, but) added another cup of coffee in the morning. I think the best advice is to keep at it and be patient. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. Now, your body just needs to realize that!
  • blueyes_223
    blueyes_223 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice, I am trying to stay motivated but it is so hard since the scale will not move! It goes down then back up. it is very frustrating.
  • c1chelle
    c1chelle Posts: 1 Member
    I completely understand. I am now trying to create a calorie deficit each day to battle my own plateau. If I do not go to the gym to burn calories, I have to make sure I do not get the high fat salad dressing or eat meatloaf and potatoes for dinner that night. I have a desk job with minimal getting up and walking around. I am battling a hypo thyroid which lowers my metabolism, and I've been doing Zumba 3 nights a week for a year and a half and not lost a pound. I recently added weight lifting for an hour before Zumba and am hoping that will give my body the shock it needs. I think our bodies get use to whatever we are doing regularly and we have to really kick it up to see results. This is not the case with everyone of course, but for those of us that really fight with minimal results and serious working out/heathy eating, it is so frustrating! Continue to keep track or calories eaten verses burned and see if a deficit over several weeks works for you. Don't give up!

  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    Being a wife, a mommy to three, a hard worker, and having just quit smoking, I am sure you probably experience stress often! Stress can be a diet killer! Remember to take some "me time". Get a massage, practice deep breathing, give yourself a day of rest often. Invest in some chamomile tea, a lavender bath oil to use at bedtime, and make sure you get a daily endorphin release. (While strength training is very important and essential, it does not provide an endorphin release like cardio can. Other endorphin releasers include talking (for women), dark chocolate, acupuncture, "time" with your husband, and laughing.

    Since you are doing everything right, my guess is that stress is the culprit. Be good to yourself! Good luck!