Information Overload...a bit overwhelming.



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I hear ya! I'm doing the same thing with the research, etc. But the good news is that it's keeping me so busy, that I'm succeeding with quitting smoking (I quit 3 weeks ago today!)

    We'll get there, and I think MFP is a good place to start. Lots of knowledgeable and successful people here.

    See that? You're already doing better than me. Way to quit!!!

    I used to be the same way. Nothing but junk all day, every day. All you need is to start making changes and you'll get the results you need.

    You don't need to choose a strength training program your first week. You don't need to research how your body processes carbs or refined sugars with insulin spikes according to the glycemic index. You don't need to link a Fitbit up to MFP day one.

    Eat right and move and never give up! You'll get there! And the rest you'll learn in time.
  • mtbiker1069
    mtbiker1069 Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with you, way to much information sometime. I finally just prescribed to the simple idea of burn more calories than I eat and living a more active healthy lifestyle. That was back in November 2011 and I'm Down 33 pounds as of today.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    I know what you mean. This site can make you tear your hair out with all the conflicting info.

    My top suggestions would be:

    1. Enter your Goals and Activity level as honestly and as conservatively as you can. If you have 30 pounds to lose, you probably shouldn't be trying to lose two pounds per week, or eating 1200. Eat food, mostly plants. Move more.

    2. Clean up your diet as you can. Nobody's perfect. I like the 80%/20% rule of thumb. 80% of the time you stay on plan. 20% of the time, other stuff happens.

    3. Be patient, try something for a month before you make big changes, your body doesn't always turn on a dime.

    4. Did I mention nobody's perfect? Perfectionism is one of the all-or-nothing strategies that lead to a disordered life. Not just with food, but with all aspects of life. Relax, and know thyself.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    It is VERY overwhelming at first. If you are cutting out processed foods, my hat goes off to you. That is my biggest problem. Just take small steps. First you are on MFP and logging everything. That is a big one most people don't follow thourgh with. Next you've cut out processed food. Remember it takes 20 days to make a habit. You're doing great!
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    I agree with you, way to much information sometime. I finally just prescribed to the simple idea of burn more calories than I eat and living a more active healthy lifestyle. That was back in November 2011 and I'm Down 33 pounds as of today.

    Thank you, and congratulations on losing 33lbs. You must be very proud.

    Again, thanks to everyone for the support and advice that makes sense. I'm feeling less discouraged and confused now.