FRUSTRATED!!!! Not Losing!!



  • mzjandiace
    mzjandiace Posts: 162
    Im with everyone your not eating! Get that breakfast in... A good 5-600 calorie, cause your body will run off that most of the day. You need water, and fresh veg and fruit. No more scale use tape measure... And congrats on the 11lb loss!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Are you really done eating before 6? I noticed pretty much every night there is nothing logged in the evening, leaving you with a large amount of calories left over. Add on the exercise calories and that could be your reason. Eat up to your set goal, make sure to get in all your water, and be patient. You didn't gain the weight overnight and unfortunately it's much harder to lose it.

    Good luck!
    I try not to eat after 6 because I work out around 7 and finish around 8, study, drink crystal light and hit the bed. I know night calories stick with me so I dont eat after 6, if im hungry I drink water or crystal light. I guess I have to change that. Thanks
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    first of all, well done on losing the 11 pounds!!!!!

    It takes a while for things to work, so changing what you do every week is not giving anything long enough to see if it works.
    My advice would be to set a plan and stick to it for at least a month to give it a chance to work, weight loss is not always predictable and you can sometimes do nothing when you have been 'good' then a load drops off at once!!
    Set your goals on MFP for the amount of weight you want to lose per week (i would guess 1.5-2lbs based on what you have to lose).
    Adjust your macros to 40% C / 30% F / 30% P - mfp standard is very low on protein and high on carbs. Also track sugar and sodium. (sugar is low @ 30g, its easy to go over that just from a glass of milk and a piece of fruit. dont worry if you go over from fruit, its the processed sugars you need to watch out for).
    Try and eat to your calorie goal as near as possible, including eating back exercise cals. Avoid processed foods and cook from scratch as much as possible, get at least 5 fruit & veg a day, and lots of water.
    Take measurements, you could be losing inches not lbs.
    Dont lift weights every day, ideally do 3x per week full body, or do upper body / lower body on alternate days.
    Make sure you take at rest days, rest is just as important as exercise for repairing muscles.

    It would be better if you open your diary so people can advise if there is anything you are / arent eating that could affect your loss.

    hope this helps x

    ETA - your diary was public by the time i posted!
    your problem is you are not eating enough, and you definetly need to look at your food choices and add a lot of fruit & veggies. nearly everything you eat is processed. Protein shakes are good to 'top up' a healthy diet, but not as the main source of your calories!!!
    Eating so low will work at first, then as your body is continually under fuelled it will hang onto fat and your loss will stop as you have found out.
    Im 210lbs and eat around 1900 a day (1600 net) and lose 1.5-2lbs most weeks. You are netting minus or stupidly low numbers most days which is no good for anybody - seriously you netted minus 530 calories on Sunday and you expect your body to function properly?!!!
    The goal of 1740 that MFP gives you is NET, so you should be eating this PLUS at least half of your exercise cals.

    have a look at these:
    Thank you. Apparently I was interpreting my calories wrong. Seems to be the general concensus LOL. The problem with eating more is i am not hungry. I feel lie I am constantly eating and get to the point where I feel like I am going to explode. I assumed that my calories were to remain the same regarless of excersize, apparently I have a lot of changes to make. Thank you for the insight and I will definately start making healthier foods and stay away (as much as possible) from processed foods. MFP people have gotten me this far and I am so glad for all the support. Thank you for the links also, very helpful :flowerforyou:
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Unbelieveable, we could be twins from another mother...I turned 40 last year, my husband and I have decided to loose some weight..started 2nd week of January...Exercise, eat right....I have lost 14 lbs total, (didnt start here at first), my husband has lost 23 pounds..I have not lost a pound in 3 weeks....Amazing, I am just going to keep pluggin away, you can do it...Keep up the great work!!!

    LOL thats funny. I am in NO WAY giving up just feel frustrated. I havent had this problem before and it is driving me crazy lol. Apparently I need to eat more so I will make some changes and hit it hard!!! Good luck
  • kleighsamboer
    I looked at your food journal and bottom line is you aren't eating enough and you are not eating enough fresh fruit and veg. you also need to introduce good fats into your diet like salmon, avocado, nuts/seeds, ect. Drink lots of water. within a couple weeks you should see a shift on the scale. Another thing, if you can, stay away from coffee. Coffee can dehydrate the body and mess with your adrenals which can impede weight loss.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    It takes several weeks for your metabolism to adjust to calorie intake changes and exercise. Getting frustrated after a few days and making more changes is only making things worse. If your body cannot rely on you to provide it properly with food its going to continue to cling to the fat. Pick a plan that's healthy and stick with it. Do that for several months and then see where you're at
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    It takes several weeks for your metabolism to adjust to calorie intake changes and exercise. Getting frustrated after a few days and making more changes is only making things worse. If your body cannot rely on you to provide it properly with food its going to continue to cling to the fat. Pick a plan that's healthy and stick with it. Do that for several months and then see where you're at
    Excellent advice. My diet seems to be the issue acccording to all the great advice I have gotten today. Going to take it all in, adjust my food and see how I do. Gonna try and stay away from the scale as long as i can LOL thanks again :happy:
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i also noticed.. do you not put down all your cals? or did you really not eat after 3:00 yesterday?! also tueday and monday same thing... and sunday im 625 all day (and nothing after noon) (and it goes on into months ago nothing really after 3 or 12 is in your diary)
    is this all right?! if not i would suggest writing it ALL down. my dinner is my biggest calorie meal and night times is a big snack time for many people
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    i also noticed.. do you not put down all your cals? or did you really not eat after 3:00 yesterday?! also tueday and monday same thing... and sunday im 625 all day (and nothing after noon) (and it goes on into months ago nothing really after 3 or 12 is in your diary)
    is this all right?! if not i would suggest writing it ALL down. my dinner is my biggest calorie meal and night times is a big snack time for many people

    Exactly what I was going to ask.

    OP, if you are not eating between 3pm and the next morning, that is one hell of a long time to go without food, especially if you are doing that everyday.

    Space your meals out so that you are eating regularly. You don't need to eat every couple of hours or anything, but at least have something for dinner....
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    i also noticed.. do you not put down all your cals? or did you really not eat after 3:00 yesterday?! also tueday and monday same thing... and sunday im 625 all day (and nothing after noon)
    is this all right?! if not i would suggest writing it ALL down. my dinner is my biggest calorie meal and night times is a big snack time for many people
    It's right. I have never been a dinner eater lol. I get home from work, and with 3 kids, ALWAYS have running around to do. A game, practice, etc plus I work out for an hour when i get home, cook and do homeowrk with the kids the I study for me (also started back at school in january) by the time I realize I havent ate, it's too late so i fill up on fluids. On the weekends, I am cleaning and we are painting the house and again by the time I realize the time, it's 8-9pm and i dont want to eat a big meal and pass out in bed. I am going to have to find a way to eat more food, better food choices during the day and maybe a light snack in the evening
  • verneon
    verneon Posts: 3
    Try drinking lots of water. I drink about 1/2 gal a day. I even buy bottled water(at Sam's or wherever on sale) instead of soda. It's very handy for those being on the go! If your drinking sodas, STOP IT! (EVEN DIET) they make you crave more carbs. Also, I heard from the doctor's tv show. drinking ice water will help shed pounds. I had to bring out the ole Wii Fit the other day....Forgot how fun it was to do the exercises and games. Best of luck to you! :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    If you have trouble getting your calories in, try eating more healthy but calorie dense foods such as nuts, nut butter, whole milk, olive oil etc.even icecream is good sometimes if you have cals to make up :-)
    If you add 200 ml glass of milk (150), 50g of nuts (400) and a teaspoon of olive oil (150) in your cooking then that's another 700 calories without having to eat much more.

    I find I do better when I plan my meals out the day before, then you can adjust foods / quantities as needed to get your macros right. It takes some doing at first but you soon get used to what meal combinations fit best, and there is no eating something and not having calories left for it or not eating and having loads left over.
    If you log your exercise in the morning then it's easier to plan your day and it's more motivation to do it as you've already eaten the extra cals :-)
    The most important macros for me are protein and calcium, I pretty much always get these in or even go over. If I want a treat, I will make better choices the rest of the day to meet my macros. Occasionally I go totally over cals/carbs/sugar (I like sweet stuff!) but as long as its only occasional I don't worry about it!!!
    If you know you are going to be busy, take a high cal snack like nuts and also some fruit or veggies.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i also noticed.. do you not put down all your cals? or did you really not eat after 3:00 yesterday?! also tueday and monday same thing... and sunday im 625 all day (and nothing after noon)
    is this all right?! if not i would suggest writing it ALL down. my dinner is my biggest calorie meal and night times is a big snack time for many people
    It's right. I have never been a dinner eater lol. I get home from work, and with 3 kids, ALWAYS have running around to do. A game, practice, etc plus I work out for an hour when i get home, cook and do homeowrk with the kids the I study for me (also started back at school in january) by the time I realize I havent ate, it's too late so i fill up on fluids. On the weekends, I am cleaning and we are painting the house and again by the time I realize the time, it's 8-9pm and i dont want to eat a big meal and pass out in bed. I am going to have to find a way to eat more food, better food choices during the day and maybe a light snack in the evening

    so what do you do while your family is eating? you dont eat with them?
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    You are not eating enough!!! Your fat burning fire has no fuel to keep burning. You have to eat some of those exercise calories or your body will think it's starving and shut down. Also, take pictures and grab a tight pair of jeans. Pictures every 3 weeks will show your progress and those jeans will become more and more loose. First step though, is to feed you body enough food to burn fat!
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    You are definitely not eating enough!
  • jdrapersr
    jdrapersr Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes I've stayed at the same weight for almost a month so I kept doing the same routine. I counted my cals and kept working out and then boom it's like I lose 5 lbs and then the same thing happens for another month so just keep on keepin on remember this is going to be a life long change so don't worry about on one month. Ten years ago I weighed 238 and today 182 and I want to get to 170 and I will but it's a lifestyle change forever.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Feed the machine :)
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    i also noticed.. do you not put down all your cals? or did you really not eat after 3:00 yesterday?! also tueday and monday same thing... and sunday im 625 all day (and nothing after noon)
    is this all right?! if not i would suggest writing it ALL down. my dinner is my biggest calorie meal and night times is a big snack time for many people
    It's right. I have never been a dinner eater lol. I get home from work, and with 3 kids, ALWAYS have running around to do. A game, practice, etc plus I work out for an hour when i get home, cook and do homeowrk with the kids the I study for me (also started back at school in january) by the time I realize I havent ate, it's too late so i fill up on fluids. On the weekends, I am cleaning and we are painting the house and again by the time I realize the time, it's 8-9pm and i dont want to eat a big meal and pass out in bed. I am going to have to find a way to eat more food, better food choices during the day and maybe a light snack in the evening

    so what do you do while your family is eating? you dont eat with them?

    That's what I'm wondering. Surely you fix dinner for your family most days, so sit down and enjoy a meal with them. It's good for the whole family! I know it's hard when you're busy, but try to schedule plenty of sleep, too. Sounds like your nights may be short. Good luck and God bless!
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I get not being able to eat because a lot of times I'm too busy too and I struggle with it, so I eat foods that are dense in calories, lean meats, dairy, veggies, fruits and good fats (coconut butter/oil/milk, avocado, nuts). At least this bumps my calories up more. I dont always get to exercise either right now, but stick to as few processed foods as possible.

    I think if you start eating more food that fills you up you will have more energy and start to see the scale move and you can cut back a little on the cardio and do more weight training, but make sure you eat enough protein. The default mfp settings are pretty low for protein. More importantly, measure yourself! Sometimes the scale doesn't move, but your body changes.

    Good luck!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Try drinking lots of water. I drink about 1/2 gal a day. I even buy bottled water(at Sam's or wherever on sale) instead of soda. It's very handy for those being on the go! If your drinking sodas, STOP IT! (EVEN DIET) they make you crave more carbs. Also, I heard from the doctor's tv show. drinking ice water will help shed pounds. I had to bring out the ole Wii Fit the other day....Forgot how fun it was to do the exercises and games. Best of luck to you! :)
    I have stopped soda all together. Thats not to say I don't "cheat" and have a diet coke or diet dew from time to time but it's not a regular thing. Thank you for reminding me about the Wii fit...I will be dusting mine off this weekend. TOTALLY forgot about it