Turbo Fire and ChaLEAN Extreme...do them together??

I just finished week 1 of ChaLEAN Extreme which I have also incorporated my C25K program with. I am thinking about Turbo Fire to mix up some cardio. Any thoughts? Do you do them the same days? Alternate?


  • ksmom27
    ksmom27 Posts: 19
    YEs do it! I am doing CheLEAN Extreme along with TurboFire and its amazing!!! I do both Sometimes I do same days if Im up for it otherwise I alternate. Beachbody has a hybrid schedule you can follow for using both programs too! :happy: I am an avid Chalene lover! I got to meet and work out with her when she came to Denver, CO in February! AMAZING, PM me if you have any questions!
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    Fantastic! Thank you for the information. I kept hearing about it and was not sure, but now I am!