Unusual work out partners...

slrrese Posts: 180 Member
Just curious if anyone has an unusual "work out" partner. I have two beagles (ages 5 & 7 months) and they get up and run on the treadmill with me sometimes while I ride my bike in the morning. My youngest loves it so much that when I walk the treadmill in the evening when it is too cold or rainy to go outside, she jumps on the treadmill and many times will stay on it the entire time with me. I love that they work out with me!! :-)


  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    Awww. It's good for the pets too! They say "if you have an overweight dog then you're not exercising enough" so it's great they they're joining you! I can even picture the beagle's ears bouncing up and down lol
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    that is so cute!!!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    That's so funny! Sounds like they have fun! :) Our dog likes to walk under me when I'm doing push ups. He's probably worried about me! hahaha Once you start laughing it's hard to continue though.
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    He, he, that's great. I have two English Springer Spaniels who love to do my outdoor exercises with me. They love to go on leashed pavement runs and unleashed trail runs. They mtn bike with be when it's not too hot. They also love to go swimming with me at the lake. The only exercises I do at home are floor core exercises, and honestly, I really don't need their help on those but they always insist on "helping" me anyway. :laugh:
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    We do a lot of hiking and walking with the dogs and we take them boating and boat camping. I once tried taking my oldest when i went for a bike ride but I really don't have the proper equipment and she pulled me over on my bike. I have also roller-skated with the dogs. Unfortunately, beagles are not dogs that can go off leash as they are scent dogs used for hunting (mostly rabbits) and they would take off. They do love to help when I do my floor exercises too, licking and crawling around on me, but I do love exercising with them!!
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    That is precious! I try to take our 11 yrs old lab/dalmation mix with me on walks.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I have two beautiful quarter horse geldings--Mo and Barry--they are tireless workout partners, but they always want to eat all of my cornchips:happy:
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    Must devise a way to get my cat on a treadmill with me.......