this whole 'mens side' vs. 'womens side' of the gym



  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Guys in that area are being territorial with other guys not just women. It's similar to surfing in alot of places, if you're not a regular and experienced they get weird if you get near them.

    I think the best thing is to ignore them, t's not like they're social beacons. If you're willing to, sweet talking them works pretty well. I will say women that really know what they're doing and are somewhat accomplished get the same deference as men. Likewise men on their cellphones or who aren't experienced get the same intimidation.

    I really don't think it has to do with male or female as it does experience and accomplishment.

    I will say I got a few looks when I entered the elipitical domain. I don't use them much, personally I prefer treadmill for my warm up and cardio, but I did see them get a little confused. at least that's my interpretation, I'm sure I exagerated it in my mind.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member

    I will say I got a few looks when I entered the elipitical domain. I don't use them much, personally I prefer treadmill for my warm up and cardio, but I did see them get a little confused. at least that's my interpretation, I'm sure I exagerated it in my mind.

    No, we're just checking out your legs. Sorry...
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I call the weight room the "boy" part of the gym. But I walk in there like I own it. Granted I don't wear my glasses when I lift so I can only see right in front of me.........
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Some guy questioned my squat form the other day but that's the only comment I've had. He said he gets stuck going that low (implying somehow that it was wrong to go that low). Judging by his huge shoulders and chicken legs, I'm guessing he didn't squat much.
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    I like th male part of the gym more than the chicks. I'm welcome there,I am a straight b if need be. I guess they respect that I come do my thing and not nervous. I find I get off more in the men's part than the chick part anyway for many reasons.
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    this is why i'm glad my gym has a women's only room, complete with free weights and machines, There are women who do go over to the main room to lift weights, but I am to much a wimp to attempt to go over there and why lie most of the guys over there scare me.l:grumble:
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    When it's all 20-somethings, I avoid the area. Older men just seem to be more helpful and less critical.

    We try to be, Thanks, and ladies please come over to the darkside of the gym, you will be welcome there by us normal fellas.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I'm not going to lie, I'm intimidated by the weights side of the gym. I go to a HUGE gym and it is always packed.

    But my (male) trainer has convinced me that I just need to force myself to do it, and eventually I will feel like I belong there.

    I believe him. I can't afford not to... I love lifting heavy!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Interesting. My gym doesn't have different sides. Everyone just seems to work out together. I've never seen any problems - men and women use all of the free weights, mats and machines.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member

    I will say I got a few looks when I entered the elipitical domain. I don't use them much, personally I prefer treadmill for my warm up and cardio, but I did see them get a little confused. at least that's my interpretation, I'm sure I exagerated it in my mind.

    No, we're just checking out your legs. Sorry...

    i used to like my legs, I don't know that they're much to look at anymore, haha
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am 99% of the time the only woman in the dumbbell/man section of the gym. The machines are where the ladies usually hang out. I love working out in the heavy weight area, but I am always with my trainer (3 times a week). I have to admit that once I cut down on my sessions with him, I'm going to be a bit intimidated.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Interesting. My gym doesn't have different sides. Everyone just seems to work out together. I've never seen any problems - men and women use all of the free weights, mats and machines.
    This is my experience too, but then I don't pay much attention. I am too busy feeling embarrassed doing my rotator cuff lifts with 5 lb dumbells... NOT. I see women lifting and using the machines. I don't give it much thought except to think, "Cool, someone's working on their strength and fitness."

    I sometimes wonder if we (men and women, alike) don't freak ourselves out more than what other people really think.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I knew I was lucky having a gym at work, but since joining MFP and reading all these threads I've realized HOW lucky. When I was lifting weights this morning around a handful of male coworkers, the only comments made were complimenting my form (I'm new at this :) and urging me to try something heavier.

    And now that I think about it, the guys that glare somehow seemed banished to the corner...

    Edited for my horrible grammar :grumble:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    When it's all 20-somethings, I avoid the area. Older men just seem to be more helpful and less critical.

    But if it's 20-something boys you can be sure the squat racks are free....
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    i see woman using the weight area all the time. Yeah, more guys are always there, but i don't think of it as a guy area at all.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    My gym has a women's room with pretty much anything we need to do weight training. Unfortunately, the weights don't go as high (deadlift bars only go to 77 pounds and they don't have the bar I need in the room), so now I'm looking at possibly having to move the the open area. I see both men and women out there, though. I think it's not the intimidation by the men that's kept me to the women's room, it's that I can find everything I need in there much easier. LOL
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Come on girls. Don't let your own insecurities keep you from doing what you want to do!!! I train in the free weight part of the gym and no one will make me move. If you have to, fake it until you feel it!!!
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    When it's all 20-somethings, I avoid the area. Older men just seem to be more helpful and less critical.

    But if it's 20-something boys you can be sure the squat racks are free....

  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Really? Why do women feel the need to act stupid to be accepted. Sad :cry:

    because we have boobs... :huh:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I feel no intimidation at all. I pay my dues like everyone I use what I want...I do get stares..but thats ok...eventually they will get used to seeing a woman in their 40's lifting weights...besides its kinda funny when I can lift more than the teenagers..LOL