Dont think I'm crazy I just wanna know

Ok so my boss came to me about a new wing restaurant in our area so I asked him did he know how many cal were in just 1 hot wing? He then asked what happened to the old me? I said I'm still here just making sum changes.He then asked what happens to the cal I dont use thru the week, and i didnt know! what does happen? do i just cont fresh each day whichI do, or can I use those left over cal?


  • Good question. I would like to know the answer to this as well.
  • I assume you mean, the calories you have left to consume everyday by not reaching your goal amount? Anything you don't "use" is called weight loss!! :) If your body needs say 2,000 calories a day to maintain your current weight, with little or no activity and you eat/drink 1500 calories, you have now lost 500 calories. You have taken in less than your body needs that day. Which means you have lost 1/7 th of a pound of fat because your body will burn the fat to make up the difference. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you lose 500 calories per day you will lose 1 lbs. of fat every 7 days.

    Now, if you need 2,000 calories with little or no activity, and then do exercise that burns 500 calories, your body now needs 2,500 calories to maintain your current weight. So exercising means you can eat more! You just need to eat less than what your body needs to lose weight.

    If you mean what happens to extra calories that you eat but don't use, that means weight gain. Your body will store them for later use.

    I'm no professional, but I have learned a lot in the past few years. By the way, it does work! :)

    Hope this helps a bit. :)