I Have a Girl Crush on Jillian Michaels



  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I liked Natalie better. She was a hottie!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Not me... I prefer my horse-faced crushes to look more like this - our pony, Fiona :heart:


    Hey...that horse is lookin mighty fine....I change my mind I have a crush on the horse now.

    So, you like Sarah Jessica Parker?
  • cookieta76
    cookieta76 Posts: 91 Member
    Why do people think fit, trim, muscular (not body-builder) women look like men? I think Jillian is pretty and extremely inspirational. I'm doing Body Revolution and she and all the women on the dvd are HOT! Not manly at all. To each his own...I wouldn't be where I am without her. :)
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
    I have 'Just a couple more....' ingrained in mine. Perhaps because I am so relieved when she says that!

    The problem is that she's lying when she says that... to me a couple is 2, not 8!!!!!
  • ashcandi
    ashcandi Posts: 35
    Me too! I love Jillian. I really liked her on The Biggest Loser. I'm still in the first week fo 30ds.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I do too lol:blushing:
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    You have a girl crush on her because she looks like a man...

    She looks nothing like a man
  • lucythinmint
    I think I have moved on to just full blown crush. Love her!
  • liftandcycle
    You have a girl crush on her because she looks like a man...

    haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    Why do people think fit, trim, muscular (not body-builder) women look like men? I think Jillian is pretty and extremely inspirational. I'm doing Body Revolution and she and all the women on the dvd are HOT! Not manly at all. To each his own...I wouldn't be where I am without her. :)

  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i love jillian. i love her workouts. haters are just jealous because she has a smokin body:smokin:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I think she 'looks' like a man because she acts like one. There is a difference between being a fit, pretty woman and sounding and looking like a drill sargeant. To each his own though! Some women like that. :/
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    I agree...Natalie is a cutie. Jillian has a great body....in no way does she look like a man. She motivates me, and I always remember what she says towards the end of a circuit "2 more ladies...this is where it counts."
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I have 'Just a couple more....' ingrained in mine. Perhaps because I am so relieved when she says that!

    The problem is that she's lying when she says that... to me a couple is 2, not 8!!!!!

    I hate that! AHH
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    She does not look a man.... :noway:
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    You have a girl crush on her because she looks like a man...

  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I don't have a crush on her, but she is mighty sexy. However, I think she's got "issues" and would probably be more trouble than its worth.

    Also, I don't think she plays for the other team, because I think she said she left the Biggest Loser so she could focus on having a baby.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    You have a girl crush on her because she looks like a man...

    She looks nothing like a man

    Lol I think she looks like a man too! So does my hubby.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    You have a girl crush on her because she looks like a man...

    So glad I'm not the only one that thinks she looks like a man...

    She is AMAZING, I couldn't really stand her when I watched her TV, but I just started her Body Revolution program and I LOOOOVE HER now!
  • coopersmom2006
    I think her body, especially in Ripped and 6 week 6 pack is amazing but no crush here. I do have a small girl crush on Basheera! She's incredible and kicks some serious bootay! http://www.basheerahahmad.com/about-basheerah.html