weight lifting???



  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    I've started already, the difference is great!
    I'm now buying "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" it says, lift like a man look like a goddess! There is a string on here under chit chat of girls on here who lift, check it out, it's great.

    Also just to clear up the statement muscle weighs more than fat.
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, any more than lead weighs more than feathers. A pound is a pound is a pound. Where the misunderstanding often comes in is that muscle is much more dense than fat, so that, by volume, it seems to weigh more. That is, a pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat. In addition, because a pound of muscle burns more fat than a pound of fat, even at rest, by increasing your lean muscle tissue mass, you're helping your body burn more calories.

  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    As soon as possible..building muscle helps to burn fat so combine with cardio you are giving that last 20lbs the double whammy.
  • BootcampJunkie
    BootcampJunkie Posts: 69 Member
    Throw away your bathroom scale!
    Muscle does weigh more than fat but it's healthier to gain 10lbs in muscle than not having any at all. The more muscle you build the better your metabolism. Base your weight loss accomplishments by be measurements not the number on you scale. Also the largest muscle group on your body is your legs so focus on that group first to achieve the best boost in metabolism. When you talk to people about strength training people instantly thing weights. You can strength train without using weights, squats, lunges, dips, step-ups, push-ups, sit-ups are all forms of strength training, and its basic movements you do everyday so why wouldn't you want to train your body to be better at performing them?
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Start now.

    1. Buy and read New Rules of Lifting for Women. Don't do the workouts or follow the diet; just absorb the info about the benefits of strength training.

    2. Buy, read, and follow Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. Or try StrongLifts 5x5 (viewable free on the web), but I recommend checking out the SS book for all of the excellent info on form for the lifts.

    3. Eat a diet that is high in protein. Very high.

    4. Look amazing
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Also just to clear up the statement muscle weighs more than fat.
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, any more than lead weighs more than feathers. A pound is a pound is a pound. Where the misunderstanding often comes in is that muscle is much more dense than fat, so that, by volume, it seems to weigh more.

    Actually, what you are describing is exactly the definition of "weighs more," which is why people say muscle weighs more than fat. It does. If an equal volume of one substance has greater mass than the same volume of another substance, than that substance "weighs more."
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Start now, and you will retain more lean mass than you would if you lost weight first.

    Losing weight is usually a combination of both fat and muscle. Strength training, along with adequate protein, helps reduce the amount of muscle you lose :smile:
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks!! Doesn't it make the scale go up, if I build muscle?

    Also to add to that, the myth "muscle weighs more than fat" is a fallacy. That's like saying one pound of feathers weighs less than one pound of bricks. There will be more feathers obviously but the weights will be the same.

    Actually, the pound of muscle is MORE DENSE than the lb of fat. So, if you have the same lb of each sitting next to each other, the lb of fat would be a bigger pile than the lb of muscle by overall volume.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Thanks!! Doesn't it make the scale go up, if I build muscle?

    The thing people tend to disregard is that you want your goal to lose fat not weight. Someone that adds 20lbs of muscle is going to look better than someone that adds 20lbs of fat.

    Also to add to that, the myth "muscle weighs more than fat" is a fallacy. That's like saying one pound of feathers weighs less than one pound of bricks. There will be more feathers obviously but the weights will be the same.

    inch for inch Muscle weighs more then fat, that's why you can start to look leaner but weigh more,
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    Also just to clear up the statement muscle weighs more than fat.
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, any more than lead weighs more than feathers. A pound is a pound is a pound. Where the misunderstanding often comes in is that muscle is much more dense than fat, so that, by volume, it seems to weigh more.

    Actually, what you are describing is exactly the definition of "weighs more," which is why people say muscle weighs more than fat. It does. If an equal volume of one substance has greater mass than the same volume of another substance, than that substance "weighs more."

    FINALLY! thank you! lol :drinker:
    its ONLY INCORRECT if someone was to say "1 pound of muscle weighs more than 1 pound of fat", but i'm yet to see anyone who originally wrote that - they only ever say "muscle weighs more than fat", which, it does! :flowerforyou:
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Also just to clear up the statement muscle weighs more than fat.
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, any more than lead weighs more than feathers. A pound is a pound is a pound. Where the misunderstanding often comes in is that muscle is much more dense than fat, so that, by volume, it seems to weigh more.

    Actually, what you are describing is exactly the definition of "weighs more," which is why people say muscle weighs more than fat. It does. If an equal volume of one substance has greater mass than the same volume of another substance, than that substance "weighs more."

    That's exactly what I'm saying! (I'm agreeing with you) People always get slated when they say muscle weighs more than fat, people seem to think they need to add "by volume" on the end of the statement to make it true.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and I would rather have a pound of lovely muscle than fat. :drinker:

    Although I have weighed the same for three weeks now I have lost two inches from everywhere, also my arms stop waving when I do now! :laugh:

  • GretelPetal91
    Building muscle=faster fat loss. it will boost your metabolism!! :D
    do it!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Muscle Burns Fat.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Don't wait, start now...Strength training is just as important as cardio and you really need that balance in your workout regime.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    what i suggest u do is start with light weights, or even very light depending on how u feel
    workin out w/ weights (adding to your own body weight works your muscles even more)
    if you focus on light weights what you'd be doing is toning your muscles, shaping them up and increasing stamina, without adding lots of volume, and of course heavy weights add mass, and power

    so yes start with light/very light weights and help your body tone up and shape up as u wish it to be as u lose the weight you're aiming at

    as for the scale...since you're dieting and watching what u eat and also doing cardio...you'd be burning the fat...and in certain areas building muscle instead...light muscles weigh less than fat

    gd luck w/ it all ^^

    Not being rude, but ew....don't do that type of "strength training". Please don't go to the gym and pick up 3 lb dumbbells.

    Get in there and push yourself with some heavy weight.

    I most definitely sweat when I lift!
  • BootcampJunkie
    BootcampJunkie Posts: 69 Member
    what i suggest u do is start with light weights, or even very light depending on how u feel
    workin out w/ weights (adding to your own body weight works your muscles even more)
    if you focus on light weights what you'd be doing is toning your muscles, shaping them up and increasing stamina, without adding lots of volume, and of course heavy weights add mass, and power

    so yes start with light/very light weights and help your body tone up and shape up as u wish it to be as u lose the weight you're aiming at

    as for the scale...since you're dieting and watching what u eat and also doing cardio...you'd be burning the fat...and in certain areas building muscle instead...light muscles weigh less than fat

    gd luck w/ it all ^^

    Not being rude, but ew....don't do that type of "strength training". Please don't go to the gym and pick up 3 lb dumbbells.

    Get in there and push yourself with some heavy weight.

    I most definitely sweat when I lift!

    I agree with skipping the 3lbs weights but whatever you do DONT LIFT TOO MUCH TOO SOON! You can serverly injury yourself. First try compound exercises using 5lbs then move up to 8lbs then 10, then 12 etc.... It will help you from plateauing and gives you time to develops proper form and endurance. Then if you want you can move onto the much bigger stuff.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Start weight training right off the bat.

    Some good info posted in here already ex. rules of lifting for women.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    what i suggest u do is start with light weights, or even very light depending on how u feel
    workin out w/ weights (adding to your own body weight works your muscles even more)
    if you focus on light weights what you'd be doing is toning your muscles, shaping them up and increasing stamina, without adding lots of volume, and of course heavy weights add mass, and power

    so yes start with light/very light weights and help your body tone up and shape up as u wish it to be as u lose the weight you're aiming at

    as for the scale...since you're dieting and watching what u eat and also doing cardio...you'd be burning the fat...and in certain areas building muscle instead...light muscles weigh less than fat

    gd luck w/ it all ^^

    Not being rude, but ew....don't do that type of "strength training". Please don't go to the gym and pick up 3 lb dumbbells.

    Get in there and push yourself with some heavy weight.

    I most definitely sweat when I lift!

    I agree with skipping the 3lbs weights but whatever you do DONT LIFT TOO MUCH TOO SOON! You can serverly injury yourself. First try compound exercises using 5lbs then move up to 8lbs then 10, then 12 etc.... It will help you from plateauing and gives you time to develops proper form and endurance. Then if you want you can move onto the much bigger stuff.

    Great point! Form is extremely important.
  • Bubbles_09
    Bubbles_09 Posts: 65 Member
    Awesome info... so I should start wwith 5lb weights??
  • BootcampJunkie
    BootcampJunkie Posts: 69 Member
    Awesome info... so I should start wwith 5lb weights??

    Yes, 5lbs is a very good starting weight if you are new to it. Try exercises like bicep curls, shoulder extensions, dead lifts, hammer curls, etc. all with 5lbs dumbells do 3 sets of 10 and if you are not experiencing muscle fatique after that, move up to the 8lbs. Thats what I have by bootcampers do.
  • TrainersRoom
    One of the secrets to successful weight loss is to kick-start our metabolism as soon as possible after we wake. The best way to do that is to eat breakfast. When we skip breakfast, not only does our metabolic rate stay low, so too does our blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels resulting from missing breakfast often leads us to feel lethargic.