So my first mistake... *vent*

Welp, I hadn't used my Wii Fit in almost 3 years so I figured the scale was accurate when I first bought it, it will be accurate now... WRONG! Weighed on a real scale today at the gym for the first time in ages, so it put me around 15 lbs heavier than I thought I would be! So discouraging, but at the same time I'm a bit relieved because my measurements seemed alot bigger than they should be!

for the record- it wasn't that time of the month, PLUS I realize the scale isn't everything but when you have 100+ lbs to lose you need those little victories every week to keep you motivated. I'm trying to look on the positive side in that I'm eating much better than I used to and getting alot more exercise.


  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    My Wii Fit is also inaccurate by about 15 pounds when I have it on carpet. When I put it on the tile floor it agreed with my other scale within 2 pounds, which is an acceptable difference to me.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I had the same thing happen. My home scale said 8 lbs less than the gym scale. So I only use the gym scale for weigh-ins now, which means they tend to be a bit infrequent (odd situation. My uni has two gyms. The one I normally use is the one without the scale. I can't be bothered to go over there to the one with the scale very often.) It was a bummer realizing I was further than I thought from 200. So I deleted the previous measurements so that my ticker would be more accurate.