

  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy. My "fat-skinny" jeans (the tag says the same size but they were always smaller than the others) are fitting better today! :bigsmile: Still not quite into the next size. I could if I wanted, but it makes me have the muffin top thing and I can't stand that. So I will have to wait until my stomach gets a little smaller...:ohwell: I really don't have a problem doing the cardio. that is my workout! 6-7 times a week I walk at least half an hour. So I am pretty nervous about the next few days. Tomorrow, after that graduation, we are supposed to go eat at Chili' I was like, I got problem! UNTIL I looked up the nutrition info on all their food....:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: ......RIDICULOUS. No wonder I weigh so much! I want to order off the kids menu, but I don't know if they are going to deny me that. Worth a try, right? Because if I could do that then I could have "real" food, but save myself a lot of calories, sodium, fat, etc.! Otherwise it looks like a house salad and maybe a cup of broccoli cheese soup....And then Friday of course I am leaving and man...I just don't know. I think we are going to try to exercise anyway on the days we are driving. I'm going to insist!! Especially since I will have to weigh-in first thing Tuesday morning to report here!! lol.
    I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday!
    Hurley, let us know what happened today!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    well today went better then i thought... i got the job that i fell at... weird i know... i wasnt expecting it... and then tryouts... o my... well i did good my ankle was bothering me but i didnt let it show (im a catcher so i was on it the whole time) great... but i was super nervous and when i get nervous i throw up... so i threw up on my bag... and i didnt eat so it was just water... but imbarressing.. lol but i find out next friday so hopefully i make it... but if i dont i know why lol
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    well today went better then i thought... i got the job that i fell at... weird i know... i wasnt expecting it... and then tryouts... o my... well i did good my ankle was bothering me but i didnt let it show (im a catcher so i was on it the whole time) great... but i was super nervous and when i get nervous i throw up... so i threw up on my bag... and i didnt eat so it was just water... but imbarressing.. lol but i find out next friday so hopefully i make it... but if i dont i know why lol

    Congrats on the new job!
  • JustAnotherGirl
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy. My "fat-skinny" jeans (the tag says the same size but they were always smaller than the others) are fitting better today! :bigsmile: Still not quite into the next size. I could if I wanted, but it makes me have the muffin top thing and I can't stand that. So I will have to wait until my stomach gets a little smaller...:ohwell: I really don't have a problem doing the cardio. that is my workout! 6-7 times a week I walk at least half an hour. So I am pretty nervous about the next few days. Tomorrow, after that graduation, we are supposed to go eat at Chili' I was like, I got problem! UNTIL I looked up the nutrition info on all their food....:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: ......RIDICULOUS. No wonder I weigh so much! I want to order off the kids menu, but I don't know if they are going to deny me that. Worth a try, right? Because if I could do that then I could have "real" food, but save myself a lot of calories, sodium, fat, etc.! Otherwise it looks like a house salad and maybe a cup of broccoli cheese soup....And then Friday of course I am leaving and man...I just don't know. I think we are going to try to exercise anyway on the days we are driving. I'm going to insist!! Especially since I will have to weigh-in first thing Tuesday morning to report here!! lol.
    I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday!
    Hurley, let us know what happened today!!

    jlhcrh3...congrats on the pants!! Isn't it a great feeling when those pants fit just a little better than the last time you wore them?!:happy: I am sure that there will be MANY more of those days to come.

    Hurley....congrats on the new job :smile: And I am sure that you will make the team and be a star!!

    Well, I have been doing pretty good this week about burning off 3500 calories. So far I have burned 2036 and I still have 3 days left in the week...hopefully this week I hit my goal. I am not seeing much movement on the scale :ohwell: which has me a little bummed, but hopefully I am losing inches (I only measure myself once a month) I have also been very adament in drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I realized that once I was able to stop drinking soda, that drinking my 8 glasses was easier!! Snacking at night has not been too big of an issue either.

    On a different note....does anyone drink green tea? I just got a new iced tea maker and I am not too keen on regular tea so I was looking for alternatives. Thoughts? Well, sorry for this long winded post....I hope that everyone has an awesome Thursday!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    I cant beleive it is already the end of the week. How is everyones week going? Doing anything fun over the holiday weekend?
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I plan on getting some pool time in and maybe a little BBQ'ing.

    Hurley congrats on the job:drinker: !!!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    I plan on getting some pool time in and maybe a little BBQ'ing.

    Hurley congrats on the job:drinker: !!!

    That sounds like fun! I hope the weather stays nice here!
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I am exhausted and fighting a nasty headache. And I have to pack now and then get up early and exercise and get on the road :frown: Today, I haven't done very well. I had everything all planned out, and then my plans got foiled. However, I did do good at Chili's and even though I was awfully tempted, I stuck with the "healthiest" choices (after spending 2 1/2 days studying the nutrition info) and so I at least sort of feel good about that, lol.

    Don't forget that after this, I will be MIA until Monday!!!!!!!!
    I hope everyone has a great holiday! Enjoy yourselves! (but not too much!!!!)---especially with BBQing, that is one of my all-time weaknesses!! :laugh:

    awesome on the job, hurley!

    and thanks JustAnotherGirl, I sure hope so!!!!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Wow. How did our thread get all the way to page 3???

    Anyway, I do not really have much to say. I hope everyone is doing well. :smile:
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    man o man am i really off with my diet....i ned to get back on track cause i feel myself getting bigger...
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    man o man am i really off with my diet....i ned to get back on track cause i feel myself getting bigger...

    Me too. This week is going to be another bad one... I'm dreading Monday's weigh-in. :ohwell:
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I went off my diet Saturday and I broke the goal for this week because Wednesday and Saturday I sat on my butt and did nothing.

    I'm back on track, but I dreading tomorrow way in. I know I could have done better.
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    I think next week goal is to get at least three hours of exercise in a week...Idk though, someone comment on that?

    Well, this week I've managed to get 8 glasses of water in four out of seven days. So I failed there.

    I managed to not eat three hours before bed six of the seven days. So I'm going to say I passed that challenge by 90 percent.

    And I at least got 15 minutes of exercise 5 of the seven days. So I'm going to say I passed 75 percent there.
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hope everyone is having a healthy and happy Memorial Day! :bigsmile:
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Hope everyone is having a healthy and happy Memorial Day! :bigsmile:

    Oh yeah just peachy. =0)
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hope everyone is having a healthy and happy Memorial Day! :bigsmile:

    Oh yeah just peachy. =0)

    I know are working! :happy:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I hope everyone had a great holiday. :smile: I was at work for 6 hours, but it was rather enjoyable. I will weigh-in tomorrow (perhaps hurley will be here and we'll have a new thread). I unfortunately think I had another horrible week. I haven't been feeling well at all and this has definitely affected my goals and my motivation. :ohwell:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I'm back from a hard weekend.

    Do we have a week 4 thread???
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    I'm back from a hard weekend.

    Do we have a week 4 thread???

    Welcome back...did you have a good weekend?

    I have not seen a week 4 thread yet.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I'm back from a hard weekend.

    Do we have a week 4 thread???

    Welcome back...did you have a good weekend?

    I have not seen a week 4 thread yet.

    Yes and no. I enjoyed spending time there, but it was hard to see my grandma in the condition she's in. So, I admit, there was a little bit of emotional eating going on this weekend. and I gained 2 pounds :sad: but I am going to work hard this week and keep moving along...

    How was yours (and everyone's) weekends?

    and where is everyone????