30 day shred

i just joined and was thinking about starting the 30 day shred but have never done it before. does anyone know if i need any equipment (weights, cords ect)? and does anyone have a preference between the 30 days shred and the 'no more trouble zones'? i've never done either but have only heard good things about both.


  • Jenners
    Jenners Posts: 30 Member
    I don't know about no more trouble zones but banish fat boost metabolism is also good. I would recommend starting with 30 day shred if you're not used to a lot of exercise. You will need a mat (if you have hard wood floors) and two hand weights (2-5 lbs). Good Luck! :happy:
  • lacieinthesky
    lacieinthesky Posts: 42 Member
    30 day shred is a good combo exercise, she does cardio, weights, and abs in circuits. I like it a lot; however I've started running and I really like that for my cardio. I LOVE her "no more trouble zones" it's almost 1 hour of real strength training. My arms, legs, and butt are usually sore for 2-3 days afterwards and I just use 3lb weights (that's what she uses too). So, it just depends on what you're looking for, but they're both awesome!
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    I'm currently doing the "30 Day Shred" and I'm half way through level 2. Personally, I didn't like level 1 because I got bored by the third day but I'm loving the 2 level. You have to work harder and it's more concentrate that level one.

    All you need are some handweights and a matt and if you have Netflick you can rent it for the full 30 days.
  • val0477
    val0477 Posts: 5
    thanks for the netflix tip! i would have never thought of that. i added it to the que and all i need now are some weights.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    hey there! a challenge was started yesterday for the shred! if you want to join in, here is the link!


    as you can see, we will be checking in with measurments once a week. this challenge is set up to motivate each other to do it! if you'd like, come aboard!

    my dvd isnt here yet, so i am actually starting at least a day late (depending if it gets here today or not) so no worries about that.
