Just signed up.....

minnabird Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I just signed into this and am not quite sure how to do the calorie count thing etc. I really need to get rid of some weight....obviously :smile: I am starting to think I may have some sleep apnea b/c of my weight. Over the last couple of years I was put on a medication called Lithium and went from 165 to 190 lbs. :sad: I have finally, thankfully, leveled off and have stopped gaining, but now have trouble staying awake during the day, snore loudly (according to hubby), and have few clothes, especially dress clothes, that fit anymore. I have special diet needs though....I have celiac disease. No gluten.

That is my "weight" story.....now personal story....Im married with 3 kids, have a fairly sedentary job at a desk at home. No local gym around as we live in the sticks and nobody to really walk with or exercise with for encouragement so here I am :smile: Nice to meet you all.



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I think you will love this site. I do. This site is so supportive, helpful, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Roguerivergirl
    Roguerivergirl Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome. I live in the country too. Before a gym opened up nearby, I would walk up and down the driveway alone. I learned to enjoy the nature all around. Then eventually a really nice woman moved in next door and we walked around the country roads together. She then found out about the gym and now we go there. You never know what might happen.

    Have you had your thyroid checked. I was really tired all the time until I found out I had low thyroid. I lost 10 pounds once I started taking it.

    Good luck. I think you like this site too.
  • Mriv
    Mriv Posts: 30
    Welcome, you've come to the right place to achieve your goal. This place will provide you with all the tools and motivation you'll need. All you need is a little dedication and a touch of disciple.

    I believe that keeping your journal up to date and logging every single morsel you eat is very important. Make sure you give it a couple of weeks before deciding what you think. You may find out things about yourself you never realized.

    You don't need anyone to go on walks with you. Take your favorite music with you. With 3 kids I think you'll find the time alone will make it worthwhile by itself. You can do it.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Welcome! Lots of great success stories on these boards!
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