Almost ready to throw in the towel



  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :flowerforyou:

    Don't give up. Steroids suck and can most definitely pack on the pounds but I don't think you need to worry about occasional inhaler use. Good luck and hang in there.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    What type of exercising are you doing that burns over 1000 calories a day?
  • kyrasmum
    kyrasmum Posts: 50
    For exercise have you ever tried jillian michael's 30 day shred. I strated doing that and really seeing instant results. Not that much in weight initially but in inches. In week 1 my waist had shrunk by 2 inches. Give it a go it's a good workout and only 20 min a day. Good luck on your weight loss journey :smile:
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Sometimes you need some tough love, and I hope you take this criticism in a good way. But you really aren't making healthy food choices.
    A lot of the food you're eating is processed. A lot is high fat, and you're eating lots of bad snacks. Most of your days have chips, chocolates, processed meats, popcorn, ice cream etc. It's okay to have the occasional treat, but you're having it every day! And it's taking up at least 1/4 of your total caloric intake, sometimes half!

    You need to stop snacking on unhealthy food. You need to increase the amount you're eating, with good, nutritious, healthy food.

    Yup... I know it's going to be painful and difficult but over time you *can* transition to eating healthier snacks. Maybe ration yourself to one small serving of lite chips and one of dark choc a day. Try to get out of the habit of eating chips with meals. Swap them for other crunchy things like baby carrots and a lite dip (I *know* it's not the same, but so much better for you) or thin sliced apple.

    When the sweet craving comes over you, try lean protein instead (sounds weird, but protein keeps you full and stable, sugar (even sugar in fruit) makes you go up and down). Drink water, drink a hot drink, and only then give yourself a small serving of something.

    Look at other people's diaries to get ideas. (Especially people who've lost and kept off the weight).

    You are technically under calories, but something's not working so try a change for a few weeks and see how that goes.

    Good luck.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    MSJessC -

    I just took a quick look at your diary for the past few days. I won't mince words here, haha.

    1) You need to manually edit the targets in MFP and set your carb/protein/fat ratio to 40/40/20. A high protein diet is the core of any good fat loss plan. You are eating far too many carbs, and should have almost none at dinner. Concentrate them in the morning. Lean proteins and fibrous veggies are the basis of what you should eat. White chicken and turkey, egg whites, white fish, lean red meats (top round, not ribeye!), broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc...

    2) You are cheating way too much, every day there are unhealthy choices being made. You have to eat "clean". I probably don't need to tell you this but lose the pizza, lose the burgers and the candy and the potato chips. Yeah, you can lose if you eat junk as long as your calories come in right but junk food is calorie dense and you are going to keep finding yourself hungry and grabbing whatever is available to satiate your hunger. Look at MFP at the end of the day and ask yourself, what could I have foregone today?

    Do that for two weeks and focus and I guarantee you will lose fat and the scale will move!
  • kyrasmum
    kyrasmum Posts: 50
    A tip for replacing sweets: Slice an apple and bake it in the oven sprinkled with cinamon.
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    If u eat too little your body goes into starvation mode.
    Eat small and often, and train, weights then cardio is correct, but if your really after the weight loss, more cardio than weights. Do the rower as oppose to treadmill, get shape as u lose the cals, its longer that way, but u get a better body as the weight comes off.
  • Suzy_Loo
    Suzy_Loo Posts: 2 Member
    I'm studying nursing and have an insight that i think is really important that you listen to. The weight you put on when you're on steroids is the HARDEST to lose so don't feel disheartened. Fat in your diet is not the issue it's sugar you have to be careful of as lots of low fat products make up for it by packing them full of sugar. The best way to lose weight gained by steroids is exercise, it's even more important than what you eat. It makes sense when you tthink about it as people take it to aid exercise.
    I'm not giving my opinion these are just medical facts so i really hope they help
    Lots of Luck
  • samandlucysmum
    I was told by someone that Kelp tablets are great for thyroid issues, they are great for getting rid of excess water too. You can get them from health food shops, or online. They work for me.,
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I have 6 acres that I am the caretaker to and the yard work alone is a great calories burner but that only started last week.

    I seriously last week and the week before did two hours at the gym almost every day last week. I have recently changed gyms and this one I do NOT like their treadmills but have discovered the Elliptical crosstrainer and already had a love hate relationship with the stairmaster.

    I admit that when the scale doesn't move with anything I do I have a tendency to give in to temptation a lot of that is emotional eating I know, but I do in the end try to make up for it by working harder.

    Egg whites, Eggs period I would eat every morning if I could..I can not. diary, I can tolerate at times, cannot tolerate all of the time. Greek yogurt does seem to be okay though as does cottage cheese anything else and I am sick as a dog. If I space it out a little one week,and a little the next week...

    There was a day where I showed tacos for dinner..These were hoomemade tacos, and the salsa..I made, not prepackaged. Chips though are a weakness of mine. I am trying to find other things to take their place but that is a hard one. I can give up the sweets easier than the chips. Isn't that strange?

    I, unfortunately have no clue how to calculate the calories on the things I make from scratch so I tend to use whatever I can find that is similiar. I would LOVE input on that and maybe my food diary would look a little better? I do not use white anything...not bread, not rice, not pastas. Even when I make bread or cakes I am using wheat flour as well. I actually prefer the taste. :)

    Y'all have all been so great and I am sorry if I am sounding a bit defensive. I do try to be so strict with myself and as I said, when it doesn't seem to be doing any good I fall off, but where as the old me would have not even have logged in again, I am here. I want to do this. I want to be the person that I have always wanted to be but have never been.


    If oatmeal isn't good..Please othr ideas that DO NOT include any part of the egg. I will NOT be able to eat it. I just can't even though I have been tempted because I know that it is normally suggested and I have had success with Low Carb/High Protein before, but unless I want to spend the day sick and doubled over and possible in the ER it will not be an option.

    Lunch...I will make the attempt this week to not have chips. I won't have carrots. They are gross. LOL

    Dinner...Because I don't normally get home until 6 or 6:30 I can't eat earlier. I wish I could and when I am able to I will.

    I so want this to work. I am tired of feeling like crap about myself. So when I get home I will see what I can plan for tomorrow and forward.
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    if you already counted the amount of walking/excerise that you get daily through work on your lifestyle choice then you dont want to log them again as excersise since MFP will be calculating your daily caloric needs on how active you are w/out addtl workouts.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member

    I, unfortunately have no clue how to calculate the calories on the things I make from scratch so I tend to use whatever I can find that is similiar. I would LOVE input on that and maybe my food diary would look a little better? I do not use white anything...not bread, not rice, not pastas. Even when I make bread or cakes I am using wheat flour as well. I actually prefer the taste. :)

    Have you used the recipe tab? If you click on that you can put in your own recipes with the quantities you use and it will calculate the calories etc. for you. It's not perfect, but it's better sometimes than going through the database and trying to find something close.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    If you have trouble calculating the calories of homecooked foods, I recommend Googling a recipe and following THAT instead. For example, try "healthy turkey tacos" and see what you find. It will almost always show the calories, etc.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Where are you getting your numbers from with the exercise? I burn about half of what you have down for the amount of time you have with the elliptical. My machine is very high so i don't use their numbers. That is huge as it would take away a ton of calories!
  • JuzJoJo
    JuzJoJo Posts: 8
    Great feedback but theres one thing no one has touched on.
    You HAVE to believe in yourself and the challenges you set forth.
    You will not succeed if you're already defeated.
    You have to decide that this is it and there is no other option.
    When you truly desire something and can actually see it then it becomes a reality.
    Just hang in there and have faith.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Here's my two cents! Know where your thyroids at, what number. Know what your doctor's opinion of a healthy range is. This may not be YOUR personal normal range. Losing weight with a hypo thyroid is HARD and at times truly UNFAIR. I know. When my meds worked, I started working out and watching what I eat and I've lost 11 pounds!
  • ScottFree_66
    Go into your settings / diary settings and add sodium and maybe potassium to your diary.
    It can be scary when realize how much salt foods have. Especiallly foods that are sold as being healthy / low calorie (guess the salt adds flavor vs. lost calories).

    instead of deli meats eat chicken breast (I've started cooking several days worth just to have pieces for snacking).
    instead of crackers / popcorn / chips, eat veggies (snap peas, carrots etc...)
    instead of brownies / chocolates eat fruit (someone already suggest baking apple slices with cinamon).

    when entering food into your diary double check it in google... especially once you start tracking sodium. seems like a lot of people don't enter anything into that field when the create foods.

    for your homemade foods, you should create recipes. you can find most ingrediants like tomatoes, celery, apple, paprika, garlic etc... already entered into MFP.
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I haven't read the post other then the original post. But I read a couple of days of your food diary. I would look into eating more fresh veggies and less processed foods. I'm going to guess you have heard this.
    I love being able to see other peoples diaries. I've learned alot of different ideas this way.

    I'm sure you got alot of advice from your post. I hope you were able to get some great help. And if you didn't keep trying. Don't give up.

    Good Luck
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you all for the input. I get new Thryoid results tomorrow and if they are within "normal" I am going to make an appt to see the dr just to make sure I am not competeing against some OTHER issue.

    Here's to a new day right????
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    Interested to hear what the blood work says....keep us posted :flowerforyou: