Sixers Slimmer Summer Wk 2



  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Welcome back TudorRose!! of course you are welcomed! WE all get busy, have slip ups etc. Glad to hear from you!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :love:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tudor, welcome back!!! You can do this. Forward motion, right?

    Tiff, HI! Busy bee... Hope you're feeling a bit better :flowerforyou:

    Alright everyone, back on track. You don't want to look back and realize you wasted time on a slump, trust me. BRING IT ON!!!!! What are you waiting for?? THIS is the time when you get to make your future. What you're doing RIGHT NOW. Treat every decision like it is the second chance we all sometimes wish we could magically have. Dig in, plant your dreams and goals TODAY and know you WILL reap the benefits. :drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    feel hard, trying real hard to get myself back. funny thing is i am going to goodwill today for shorts, because all their clothing is 50% for today only. i know most of it is water. no more excuses. i am here writing. i wasn't going to.

    well, need to begin my day.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I dread getting back on the scale. Worse yet, my old scale was at the gym.... at my place of employment... so I can't compare with that number any more.

    My mom's scale is calibrated higher (or the gym was lower). I was looking for consistency, so it didn't matter, but it will suck to weigh in for the first time on the higher scale. (If that didn't make any sense, I mean that I could show 159 at the gym and 163 at my mom's house. Boo!)

    But that means I just have to start back up. Eventually. Tomorrow. sigh. Today, I have to get together my plan of attack. My meals, my workouts (can you say HELLO Fit TV?), my lsat study time...

    I can do this. I will do this. :smile:

    Happy Memorial Day, Sixers. I hope you are all having wonderful days. :heart:
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    I hope that everyone makes smart choices on food today. I know it will be hard since so many of us will be griling out and hanging with friends. Heres my plan of attack. I bought boca burgers instead of regular burgers (if you havent tried please do they are awesome), no bun, mini rice cakes instead of chips, fat free cottage cheese instead of potatoe salad and for dessert i havent decided either one of my 100 calorie snacks or a strawberry cupcake that I made last night and no beer for me today. I hope im strong enough to stick with it I think I am. Im also going to go for a walk today. Its my rest day but I figure its so beautiful why waste the day!! Well ladies have a great and safe day. See you all tomorrow for weigh in augh!!

  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    when we do weigh in tomorrow when it comes to the progress section do we put total progress or progress for the week?
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I bet you all thought I fell off the face of the earth. As you all know I wasn't feeling good last week and still not up to par. But am back. I am on my way to work here in a few. I thought I better start posting my meals and check in with you all. I sure hope everyone is having a great weekend. I haven't been on the site or even the computer for the last four days. Well to my surprise when I got on the scale this morning I lost 2 more lbs. :drinker: I can't believe it cuz I ate like a horse this past few days and even had chocolate YUM :drinker: :drinker: I know... bad girl, very bad girl!!!:grumble: So tomarrow at check in I will see if it still reads the same. I sure hope so. LOL Any way Ladies have a lovely day and I will talk at you all later.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    when we do weigh in tomorrow when it comes to the progress section do we put total progress or progress for the week?

    for progress weight you put what you lose from the start of challenge
    ((example sw 179 cw 176 progress -3))

    hope everyone is having a nice day. i am forgoing weight in tomorrow. i will weigh in the following week.

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!

    I like Kel have practically fallen off the face of the earth this week. It was my first week at my internship and back in Nebraska and so it wore me out like there was no tomorrow! and this weekend was spent at my grandparents for the holiday, eating FAR to much food and cookies!! (I eat like a pig when i'm there and they still say I'm just "skin and bones" HA!)

    Anyway, enough excuses! the internship is going well, although i don't won't to wake up for work tomorrow after the nice weekend. I did manage to get in some exercise this week. I went on a long walk one day with my roommate for over an hour and this weekend I played several rounds of golf. I have played since I was three years old and haven't played in a while so I definitely woke up muscles that haven't been used in a while!!!! :happy: Little sore in the obliques from twisting in my swing and my arms feel like lead weights are attached to them! But that's all good!

    Not sure how weigh in will go with all the eating this weekend, but I hope for at least maintaining!

    Kel - how exciting to be down two more!! Yay you!!!!! :drinker:

    Jess - I wish i could have made those healthy choices today! but I would never have heard the end of it from my grandparents. not an excuse though! I did try and watch my portions. Good for you for managing to eat well over the holiday!!!

    Lauryn - I know what you mean, shouldn't all scales be the same?? :grumble: My roommates thought it was funny that when I moved in for the summer I brought my scale with me but it was absolutely necessary!! Hang in there on the LSAT studying. My sister and her hubbie graduated from law school last year. I will try and remember to ask her which books helped her study the best for the LSAT. Maybe you could find the same titles? Anything I can do to help!!!!

    Love you all, more personals later I hope! And a Happy Memorial Day!!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey Ladies!!

    Went ahead and created the new week for tomorrow please check in here!!!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Amy Lou,

    Thank you. I can't wait to post tomarrow.:happy:
