Getting frustrated!

I have been doing this for a little over a month and haven't lost a pound. I have been within the calorie limits and I have been exercising like mad. Anyone have any idea what the obstacle might be and how to keep from becoming too discouraged.


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    You haven't been eating enough, and it takes your body a while to adjust to the changes you are making. You can't expect the weight to come off quicker than it went on.
  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    Hi there -

    First of all, do not give up eating healthy because the scale isn't moving. There could be several reasons. Are you retaining fluid? Are you logging EVERYTHING you eat? Are you consuming too much sodium? If you've been doing this for a month, do you see a change in how your clothes fit? Don't give up. If you do, the end result is a lifetime of being overweight and not healthy. Honest.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I also noticed that you only have 11lbs to lose. How do you have your calories set up? Ideally you should have it set at 0.5lbs/week.

    What are you eating? Do you use a HRM to calculate your exercise calories? There are a lot of things it could be.