I'm not loosing

I'm staying within the calories, etc but I'm not loosing anything.... I'm so bummed. It has been about a month now. I wonder if I'm not getting enough calories...


  • zalfird
    zalfird Posts: 1
    It might be because of what you're eating, or you might not be exercising enough
  • mlang1955
    mlang1955 Posts: 55 Member
    I would recommend you eliminate the processed foods you are eating as well as the soda. My diary is open such that you can see the whole foods/clean eating that I enjoy.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    It's been 7 or 8 months for me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    If you suspect you aren't getting enough calories, you most likely need to eat more.
  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    Measure, count, and weigh all your food.
    Log everything.
    Read the message boards for insight and inspiration, but do your own research.
    Take body measurements also. You might be losing inches and not realize.
    Be patient. It sucks, I know, but you have to be.
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    I would recommend weights, cardio and eliminating processed foods. I would also consider eating 5 meals a day about 3 hrs apart. I've found this to be helpful because i don't become "starved" and binge when dinner comes along. Incorporate more vegetables and fruits. Sodium can also be a factor if you're not drinking enough water.

    As an aside: I used to drink 3 cans of diet coke a day and now I don't touch the stuff. I found that it made me crave all of the bad things, so I weaned myself off of it. It's also not great for your stomach.
  • DBlythe50
    DBlythe50 Posts: 18
    Make sure you are eating healthy foods every 2 to 3 hrs and get plenty of water. I don't eat anything after 7pm or 3 hours before bed but still have a glass of water. I never feel hungry and had lost 15lbs before starting MFP and another 20 since. Make sure if your exercising your not eating to few calories or your body can go into starvation mode.