Limiting carbs...

Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
I had fell off the wagon for a while, but am back on now and exercising regularly. My question is, should I be limiting my carbs to a certain amount? I've heard other people tell me about limiting carbs to 30g a day, but this just dosen't seem do-able on a daily basis. Thoughts?


  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    If it's what you need to do it can be done but it takes a lot of willpower that a lot of people don't have. If you don't have a medical reason to do so and you think it's too hard then don't set yourself up for failure. That said I do under 30 net almost daily (except when I don't take my own food to a Church function, like tonight) so it can be done. I HAVE to eat this way for the rest of my life.
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I limit my carbs bc I am pre-diabetic. I wouldn't limit them that much unless you have a medical reason. Or talk to your doctor and see what they suggest.

    The body still needs carbs for energy.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I limit my carbs bc I am pre-diabetic. I wouldn't limit them that much unless you have a medical reason. Or talk to your doctor and see what they suggest.

    The body still needs carbs for energy.

    This is great advice. 30g carbs a day is VERY low and you will find it hard to stick to that... so why set yourself up to fail?
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    For me I find that between 50 and 100 carbs is good. That allows me plenty of veggies & some fruit. I've heard some trainers say that if you have fat to lose you don't need carbs.... but you do need a minimum to keep your brain happy, at least I do... = ) It's best to stay away from white, sugary or starchy carbs. Once you get used to a reduced carb intake you will find that your blood sugar stabilizes and you don't get hunger pangs or that urgent need to eat.
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    I limit my carbs bc I am pre-diabetic. I wouldn't limit them that much unless you have a medical reason. Or talk to your doctor and see what they suggest.

    The body still needs carbs for energy.

    This is great advice. 30g carbs a day is VERY low and you will find it hard to stick to that... so why set yourself up to fail?

    I second this. Unless you have a medical reason, there is no need to limit your carbs.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    For me I find that between 50 and 100 carbs is good. That allows me plenty of veggies & some fruit. I've heard some trainers say that if you have fat to lose you don't need carbs.... but you do need a minimum to keep your brain happy, at least I do... = ) It's best to stay away from white, sugary or starchy carbs. Once you get used to a reduced carb intake you will find that your blood sugar stabilizes and you don't get hunger pangs or that urgent need to eat.
    Exactly that. For me, at least...
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    I eat upwards of 200g carbs almost every day. I've lose 2.5kgs in the past 3 weeks since the beginning of my body-fat cut. Carbs aren't bad.
    Keep in mind I only rarely eat junk food with 'bad' carbs as they are called by some, usually ice cream, very rarely. Even then I keep it within my calorie goals for the day. I always ensure to have at least 150g protein per day, too. That number's usually around 200g though.
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    To me it seems more leaned against eating the bad carbs like refined sugars, or unhealthy wheat products like white bread tons of white rice, big portions of unhealthy pasta and bagels and stuff. I eat a lot of carbs but they are the good ones and I have had consistent loss and feel great :)
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I had fell off the wagon for a while, but am back on now and exercising regularly. My question is, should I be limiting my carbs to a certain amount? I've heard other people tell me about limiting carbs to 30g a day, but this just dosen't seem do-able on a daily basis. Thoughts?

    Instead of a specific number of grams, I recommend you go for a percentage of your target daily cals.

    For example, my goal is 45% Carbs, so at 1830 cals that is 824 cals for Carbs.
    Each gram of Carb is 4 calories, as I am sure you know, so that comes up for me as 206 grams of Carbs.
  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks guys! I don't have a medical need, I was just wondering as a general diet rule. This helps a lot!
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    In the simplest way possible:
    Cal in < cal out = weight loss

    what you do with macros in that regard is irrelevant, provided they don't send you over calorie limit.

    From a more refined point of view,
    Carbs = supply brain, muscles with glycogen. This is the more effective energy for it to use. High GI food will burn through faster and give bigger insluin spikes (ie. the tiredness you feel after a meal), low GI burn slower and don't cause a big spike/change in blood sugar levels.
    Fats = Good fats help to lower cholesterol, bad fats clog arteries. Not used preferentially as an energy source unless the body in is in ketosis (low glycogen availability) this is the basis of the paleo diet.
    Proteins = longer to digest, keep you full longer. basic building block of muscle.

    A mixed diet that hits all those macros is what you should aim for, exception being if you have other medical conditions (Crohns, diabetes etc), where in which case you need to fiddle with them - get medical advice for this.

    My diary's public if you want to have a look at how macros vs. calories break down in a non-restricted diet.
    I eat what I want macro-wise, and just keep close to my limit as possible.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I do around 100-120 carbs per day. And I do around 150-200 of protein per day.

    This seems to work for me and it is a lot easier to manage than when I was trying to stay under 50.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I don't have the will power to keep my carbs that low!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Lots of great information to read here:
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Lots of great information to read here:

    Ummm yeah the US gov dietary guide lines, I'd think long and hard about letting the government tell you how you should be eating.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    I've done it in the past, where i've had less then 10 g carb a day, 3-4 times a week.
    Infact i'm doing it today, and if you have the will power to do it, then go for it, if not
    don't even bother, because you'll end up binge eating
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member

    This is great advice. 30g carbs a day is VERY low and you will find it hard to stick to that... so why set yourself up to fail?

    Not only that but the withdrawls can be down right terrible. I went atkins diet last year, zero carbs . I was one miserable person for about 5 days, my body hated me. After that though, it was fine. I wouldn't recommend exercising on a low carb diet, but you will drop a few pounds quickly. Ultimately it's not sustainable long term and really the only people that should be using it are for medical reasons.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278

    This is great advice. 30g carbs a day is VERY low and you will find it hard to stick to that... so why set yourself up to fail?

    Not only that but the withdrawls can be down right terrible. I went atkins diet last year, zero carbs . I was one miserable person for about 5 days, my body hated me. After that though, it was fine. I wouldn't recommend exercising on a low carb diet, but you will drop a few pounds quickly. Ultimately it's not sustainable long term and really the only people that should be using it are for medical reasons.

    And athletes such as myself who try to cut weight as fast as possible before weigh ins. =]
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    I started eating around 25 NET carbs a day on January 5th of this year. I've lost 30 lbs as a result and I find it very do-able. AND I'm vegetarian, so I don't use meat as a food option. It's an adjustment at first but gets much easier as you go along. Other people might disagree but it's what's been most effective for me, and it's the healthiest I've ever eaten in my life. Before, I filled my day with sugars and empty carbs. I hardly got any protein, healthy fats or vegetables. You'd be surprised at what you are capable of. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Good luck.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    30 g of carbs a day? how do they even survive?! Dx