25 lbs down!

Started working on weight loss on January 6, doing a Biggest Loser challenge at work. Weighed in yesterday and hit the 25 lb weight loss mark! Happy happy, but still have approx 50 lbs more to go. Been working out 4+ times a week and I'm feeling great and have more energy. Still, when I look in the mirror, I see how far I have to go, not how far I've come. But the best NSV was having my teenage daughter tell me she can see the difference and is proud of how hard I'm working at it! Definitely made me feel better! Looking forward to the end of the Biggest Loser challenge (1 more week to go), so I can focus on more than the number on the scale. Much more important to be getting stronger and healthier. :happy:


  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Congratulations on your 25 pound loss!! That's quite an accomplishment. You'll get those 50 off before you know it!
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I totally understand seeing how far you have to go rather than how far you've come. Take some pictures and compare to pictures from before. It's important to acknowledge all the hard work you've done so you're motivated to continue the journey!
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