The Paleo Diet (No Gluten) Vs. Clean Eating (whole grains)



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I try to eat fairly clean, but I'm not real strict about it. There are processed foods that I still use and love. But I know for fact that the above quoted statements are not true for the general public.

    Some people have problems with gluten. Some people have problems with a lot of different foods. Gluten is also not found in all grains.

    Whole grains are good for you. Try reading some article from experts in the field of nutrition to get a better picture.
  • fatzombiegirl
    chrisdavey: I only eat grassfed dinosaurs

    That. Is. Awesome. LOL!
  • healthycurves2012
    The only reason to eat gluten-free is if you have Celiac's disease or gluten sensitivity. Otherwise there is no reason for it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I try to eat fairly clean, but I'm not real strict about it. There are processed foods that I still use and love. But I know for fact that the above quoted statements are not true for the general public.

    Some people have problems with gluten. Some people have problems with a lot of different foods. Gluten is also not found in all grains.

    Whole grains are good for you. Try reading some article from experts in the field of nutrition to get a better picture.
    Yes, this is the evidence that including whole grain into ones diet improves certain markers for metabolic syndrome, lipids, glucose etc and basically improves health. This platform is based on replacing refined grains with whole grain. If you take a very close look at most if not all those studies, including your 3, it's generally compared to the SAD lifestyle. What we need to see are controlled studies that compare whole grain vs no grain on those same health markers, which there isn't any, but you might want to look at something like the med diet compared to a paleo, or even a natural low carb diet vs the med diet. The Kitivan diet lifestyle is also interesting to hypothesis about. Personally I simply don't accept studies that compare the obvious like processed food compared to natural.....**** we would be right 100% of the time with any comparison, forget just the grain aspect.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    read enough books and you'll starve to death.

    ^^^ This

    A lot of these books are long on hypothesis and short on evidence. Who knows, there may be some solid research on these available that either supports or refutes the assertions made. In the mean time I'll keep on eating grain products.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    For me, the idea of cutting out all gluten isn't appealing for a variety of reasons:

    1. I enjoy them tons and I don't feel I have "negative" effects from the consumption of them.
    2. I feel more full and satisfied when I eat a combination of gluten-carbs, proteins and fresh veggies and fruits.
    3. I don't feel it's a change I can or want to sustain for the rest of my life, so I don't see the point in doing it.

    Everyone is different and everyone's bodies and psyches function at their fullest on different diets and exercises. For me, the Paleo Diet is just not ideal. I'll stick to clean eating with whole grains, lean proteins, fresh veggies and fruits.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I try to eat fairly clean, but I'm not real strict about it. There are processed foods that I still use and love. But I know for fact that the above quoted statements are not true for the general public.

    Some people have problems with gluten. Some people have problems with a lot of different foods. Gluten is also not found in all grains.

    Whole grains are good for you. Try reading some article from experts in the field of nutrition to get a better picture.
    Yes, this is the evidence that including whole grain into ones diet improves certain markers for metabolic syndrome, lipids, glucose etc and basically improves health. This platform is based on replacing refined grains with whole grain. If you take a very close look at most if not all those studies, including your 3, it's generally compared to the SAD lifestyle. What we need to see are controlled studies that compare whole grain vs no grain on those same health markers, which there isn't any, but you might want to look at something like the med diet compared to a paleo, or even a natural low carb diet vs the med diet. The Kitivan diet lifestyle is also interesting to hypothesis about. Personally I simply don't accept studies that compare the obvious like processed food compared to natural.....**** we would be right 100% of the time with any comparison, forget just the grain aspect.

    I didn't post 3 studies, because I believe that would not be helpful. What would 3 studies out of the pool of thousands really tell us? The Science Daily report was on a specific study and the HSPH site does reference several studies, though. These are general medical recommendations based on all currently available medical data. That's the best we can do.

    But my response didn't say anything about whether eating whole grains was better than eating no grains. I said that eating whole grains is not bad for the general public. The studies referenced on the sites show hundreds of thousands of people who eat whole grains and are healthy. THAT was my point. Grains are not unhealthy for everyone.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Gluten-Free kills the stomach's good bacteria.

    This isn't entirely true.

    Gluten-free for non-gluten intolerants, however can cause a gluten intolerance later.

    OP: As a Celiac (auto-immune reaction to gluten) I don't really promote Paleo, however, I do love Paleo people because they help promote gluten-free-ness, but, like a said, extended time on the Paleo diet can cause gluten intolerance and that is NOT a good thing, it blows and is painful when you slip up.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I eat Paleo since I have a gluten allergy. Previously I was a vegetarian who felt great for two years until I felt awful. I went Paleo or two days and have never felt better! Try it out and see if it works for you.

    I don't feel deprived of anything since I eat umlimited amounts of meat, fish, veggies, nuts, and's so easy to lose weight! I do still eat cheese and yogurt since they don't upset my tummy.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I understand everyone on MFP has different ideas as to what is a successful and healthy diet (Lifestyle change) to follow. I've been eating clean for some time now and I just started reading Robb Wolf "The Paleo Diet" and I'm finding out that everything I was thought was healthy is actually incredibly bad for us. This includes our morning oatmeal, multi-grains, whole wheat, Rye, bread, rice, ect. You get the idea.

    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I would like to know which diet you prefer and why? Are you an advocate of the Paleo Diet? Tell me what you like and don't like to the diet. Are you a clean eater and incorporated whole grains? How has this worked for you?

    Thanks for you feed back!

    Wolf and Cordain are trying to sell books, hence a bit of fear mongering on their part.

    There is zero actual evidence supporting his claims that a Paleo type diet free or severely limiting grains, legumes and dairy is any better then a diet that includes said foods, if you were to hold calories and macros constant.
    While I agree that any good and decent diet (whole foods) will have little if any effect on our overall health and longevity when compared to a paleo type diet, however some health markers do improve when grain is removed. Trigs, HDL, fasting glucose, CRP etc. whether this really has a beneficial effect longterm has not been determined.

    Interesting statement, but I don't think this is true for everyone. It certainly wasn't true for me. My Trigs, HDL, fasting glucose--none of it got any better while on a grain free diet.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I don't eat gluten bc I'm intolerant/allergic (don't know which, don't really care either) but one thing I am sure of is no way in hell would I voluntarily go without gluten. That *kitten* is tasty.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I try to eat fairly clean, but I'm not real strict about it. There are processed foods that I still use and love. But I know for fact that the above quoted statements are not true for the general public.

    Some people have problems with gluten. Some people have problems with a lot of different foods. Gluten is also not found in all grains.

    Whole grains are good for you. Try reading some article from experts in the field of nutrition to get a better picture.
    Yes, this is the evidence that including whole grain into ones diet improves certain markers for metabolic syndrome, lipids, glucose etc and basically improves health. This platform is based on replacing refined grains with whole grain. If you take a very close look at most if not all those studies, including your 3, it's generally compared to the SAD lifestyle. What we need to see are controlled studies that compare whole grain vs no grain on those same health markers, which there isn't any, but you might want to look at something like the med diet compared to a paleo, or even a natural low carb diet vs the med diet. The Kitivan diet lifestyle is also interesting to hypothesis about. Personally I simply don't accept studies that compare the obvious like processed food compared to natural.....**** we would be right 100% of the time with any comparison, forget just the grain aspect.

    I didn't post 3 studies, because I believe that would not be helpful. What would 3 studies out of the pool of thousands really tell us? The Science Daily report was on a specific study and the HSPH site does reference several studies, though. These are general medical recommendations based on all currently available medical data. That's the best we can do.

    But my response didn't say anything about whether eating whole grains was better than eating no grains. I said that eating whole grains is not bad for the general public. The studies referenced on the sites show hundreds of thousands of people who eat whole grains and are healthy. THAT was my point. Grains are not unhealthy for everyone.
    Ok. Those 3 links you posted showed that when compared to refined grain, whole was better, so yes in that sense whole grain is better when compared to the diet that the general puplic normally eats. I find generally speaking, when I try to dig up studies that conflict with my own opinion that is keeps me sharp and makes sure I keep an open mind instead of diging up studies that confirm my opinion.......This to me is more interesting over the course.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I try to eat fairly clean, but I'm not real strict about it. There are processed foods that I still use and love. But I know for fact that the above quoted statements are not true for the general public.

    Some people have problems with gluten. Some people have problems with a lot of different foods. Gluten is also not found in all grains.

    Whole grains are good for you. Try reading some article from experts in the field of nutrition to get a better picture.
    Yes, this is the evidence that including whole grain into ones diet improves certain markers for metabolic syndrome, lipids, glucose etc and basically improves health. This platform is based on replacing refined grains with whole grain. If you take a very close look at most if not all those studies, including your 3, it's generally compared to the SAD lifestyle. What we need to see are controlled studies that compare whole grain vs no grain on those same health markers, which there isn't any, but you might want to look at something like the med diet compared to a paleo, or even a natural low carb diet vs the med diet. The Kitivan diet lifestyle is also interesting to hypothesis about. Personally I simply don't accept studies that compare the obvious like processed food compared to natural.....**** we would be right 100% of the time with any comparison, forget just the grain aspect.

    I didn't post 3 studies, because I believe that would not be helpful. What would 3 studies out of the pool of thousands really tell us? The Science Daily report was on a specific study and the HSPH site does reference several studies, though. These are general medical recommendations based on all currently available medical data. That's the best we can do.

    But my response didn't say anything about whether eating whole grains was better than eating no grains. I said that eating whole grains is not bad for the general public. The studies referenced on the sites show hundreds of thousands of people who eat whole grains and are healthy. THAT was my point. Grains are not unhealthy for everyone.
    Ok. Those 3 links you posted showed that when compared to refined grain, whole was better, so yes in that sense whole grain is better when compared to the diet that the general puplic normally eats. I find generally speaking, when I try to dig up studies that conflict with my own opinion that is keeps me sharp and makes sure I keep an open mind instead of diging up studies that confirm my opinion.......This to me is more interesting over the course.

    I think you are missing my point. My post was not about any diet being better or worse than another diet. It was refuting the statements in the section of the OP I quoted about how destructive grains are to our body.

    I don't dig up studies to prove or disprove a point, because studies rarely do that. That's why I posted medical sites that present information gathered from all available evidence, rather than specific studies.

    I don't believe one has to eat grains to be healthy, but I know that most can eat them and be healthy.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    You really should take everything you read with a grain of salt. Anyone can write a book. Doesn't mean what is contained within the book is factual, backed up by science, or not. Sadly. I can find you a book that says you're not supposed to eat certain foods if you're a certain blood type.

    Same thing...

    what you meant to say was...

    You really should take everything you read with whole grain and salt.


    I think high sodium is a bad idea.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    I only eat dinosaurs.

    ChrisDavey, you're my hero. :heart:
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 67 Member
    read enough books and you'll starve to death.

    Or enough MFP threads ;)

    edited to say: huffdog: I'm with you; this is pretty much where I'm at now

    chrisdavey: I only eat grassfed dinosaurs

    I love everything about this lol.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I am a wannabe nutritionist.. I read lots of books on the subject and each one puts their own spin on it and quotes various studies or success stories. Recently I've read 'Eat to Live' which promotes a plant based diet, 'Wheat Belly' which is of course anti-wheat & "The Primal Blueprint" which is a version of Paleo. Eat to Live quotes a lot from scientists interpretation of the China Study and the conclusions are flawed as there are too many variables. I decided to experiment and see if Paleo/Primal eating was for me. I've been basically grain/sugar free since Sept of last year. I can attest that NOW I have issues with wheat. I can eat a bite of pasta and be ok but a bowl sends my system into fits. I'm not sure if my body has 'forgotten' how to digest wheat or if I had some kind of issue to begin with. I can say that I feel less bloated & less hungry when I don't too many starchy type carbs of any type.

    I have heard that dairy can be a cause of seasonal allergies & acne - I've wanted to experiment taking that out of my diet but I love cheese.... yum... cheese............. I do have allergies year round which is not fun.

    I think each person has to find what works for them and go with it. You certainly can't go wrong eating lots of veggies, some fruit & quality protein.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    I try to not eat a lot of gluten b/c I'm sensitive to it....otherwise there is no reason to go gluten-free. It can cause an intolerance later.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Not on purpose, but as I paid attention to what did what for me, I found I was Paleoesc ..... I don't eat a lot of grain, or a lot of dairy. I DO eat them, they just naturally became a smaller part of my diet as I tried to meet my macro goals. This is what works for me. I do not preach anything other than try things that seem reasonable and find what works for YOU. We are unique snowflakes and all that stuff.....
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    According to the Paleo Diet, all grains can cause auto immune disease, that can attack and destroy the body. I originally thought some people were allergic to gluten, but as I read on, it's said that most people can be affected by gluten which can lead to poor digestion at best but the the list goes on as to how destructive gluten can be to the body.

    I try to eat fairly clean, but I'm not real strict about it. There are processed foods that I still use and love. But I know for fact that the above quoted statements are not true for the general public.

    Some people have problems with gluten. Some people have problems with a lot of different foods. Gluten is also not found in all grains.

    Whole grains are good for you. Try reading some article from experts in the field of nutrition to get a better picture.
    Yes, this is the evidence that including whole grain into ones diet improves certain markers for metabolic syndrome, lipids, glucose etc and basically improves health. This platform is based on replacing refined grains with whole grain. If you take a very close look at most if not all those studies, including your 3, it's generally compared to the SAD lifestyle. What we need to see are controlled studies that compare whole grain vs no grain on those same health markers, which there isn't any, but you might want to look at something like the med diet compared to a paleo, or even a natural low carb diet vs the med diet. The Kitivan diet lifestyle is also interesting to hypothesis about. Personally I simply don't accept studies that compare the obvious like processed food compared to natural.....**** we would be right 100% of the time with any comparison, forget just the grain aspect.

    I didn't post 3 studies, because I believe that would not be helpful. What would 3 studies out of the pool of thousands really tell us? The Science Daily report was on a specific study and the HSPH site does reference several studies, though. These are general medical recommendations based on all currently available medical data. That's the best we can do.

    But my response didn't say anything about whether eating whole grains was better than eating no grains. I said that eating whole grains is not bad for the general public. The studies referenced on the sites show hundreds of thousands of people who eat whole grains and are healthy. THAT was my point. Grains are not unhealthy for everyone.
    Ok. Those 3 links you posted showed that when compared to refined grain, whole was better, so yes in that sense whole grain is better when compared to the diet that the general puplic normally eats. I find generally speaking, when I try to dig up studies that conflict with my own opinion that is keeps me sharp and makes sure I keep an open mind instead of diging up studies that confirm my opinion.......This to me is more interesting over the course.

    I think you are missing my point. My post was not about any diet being better or worse than another diet. It was refuting the statements in the section of the OP I quoted about how destructive grains are to our body.

    I don't dig up studies to prove or disprove a point, because studies rarely do that. That's why I posted medical sites that present information gathered from all available evidence, rather than specific studies.

    I don't believe one has to eat grains to be healthy, but I know that most can eat them and be healthy.
    I agree, the point was missed.