C25K question, please!!

I just finished week one of C25K, I looked it up online and printed the treadmill version. I have had no problem following it, I actually go 45 minutes instead of 30 because I do not think 30 is enough, being that I am not that tired. I do it at 4.0-4.5 and cool down @ 2.5. I also have done it 5 days this week, this is my main excersize. How many days should thi be done and @ what speed??? Any advice from those that have done this or know where I can find more information, thanks!!!!


  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Before I got a HRM I logged it as minutes walked and minutes jogged.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm on week 4 of the C25k. Honestly, unless you have experience running, I'd take it down a notch. It says to follow the program as its given to prevent injury and if you can possibly run any slower, you're running too fast. After you've completed the program, you can start focusing on speed. Take it easy and don't push it.

    I've been sticking to the 3 sessions a week and weight training another 2 days. If I really feel the need for or want to do another workout, I'll just walk or take my bike through the park or something. I'm still burning plenty of calories!