I could cry right now-weight gain



  • RuninKamloops
    Dont give up! I have been on a plateau for a while now, weight up and down...I try not to put too much into the number. How are you feeling overall? I go by how I look and feel. The number may not be getting smaller, but I am feeling great, and so should you:) We are on this journey with you, and are with you all the way:)
  • spamvicious
    spamvicious Posts: 13 Member
    1. Are you sure your maintenance is 1500?
    2. How long have you been eating at that amount for?
    3. Have you been eating your exercise calories or not? (If so, might have gained weight because of that if you ate them *all* back just because of inaccuracies and gone over maintenance)
    4. 3 weeks isn't really that long, I would hesitate to even call that a plateau.
    5. If it was 4 pounds in 2 days, guarantee you most of that, if not all, is water weight and should level out over the next few days as long as you stay at maintenance and drink plenty of water.

    I'm 5.7 and weigh 167 Ibs, using the tool on here it says: Your estimated BMR is: 1,520 calories/day*. I've been eating maintenance for 5 days now, before that it was 7 weeks of 1200 calories. Then for 3 weeks I was stuck on the weight I am now...well not including the 4ibs that might be water. I usually end up about 50-100 calories under when I'm trying to eat my exercise calories.

    Height 5.7"
    Start Weight: 12.9 stone
    Current Weight: 11.13 Stone
    Ideal Weight: 10 Stone
    BMI: 26
    Ideal BMI: 22
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Try exercising more than 3 times a week.
  • spamvicious
    spamvicious Posts: 13 Member
    When I say exercising 3 times a week, thats when I do workouts, visits to the gym or on the wii fit. The rest of the time i'm walking a couple of miles a day.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    Others have probably said this but . . . sodium (excessive in most processed foods and fast food) could be a huge water weight gain culprit, plus possibly TOM (but not necessarily), also if in the future you get really sore from working out and see a gain it's probably muscles retaining water.

    And . . . I bet you didn't overeat by 14,000 calories. Especially if you are still logging. So I think you are safe.

    Drink lots of water. Eat less sodium. It should go away soon.
  • pigpentw
    pigpentw Posts: 13
    It may have been said already but read the labels there is so much sodium in the food's we eat.

    rules I follow, if it comes from nature enjoy it, feed your body every 2-3 hours, always keep your snack's under 200 calories, and drink water like a fish.

    Truly it work's

    Don't cry we all have these moments
  • tcjrph
    tcjrph Posts: 6
    Make sure that you are drinking enough water. You MUST get to the eight glasses a day. Remember your metabolism is a giant chemical reaction, without enough water it won't work properly. Be sure to record EVERYTHING you eat. Try and eat as much FRESH vegetables and fruits as you can. Remember that the salad is the MAIN course. What are you doing for excercise? Try and do some everyday even if it just a small amount. For days when you don't have a lot of time try this; 20 jumping jacks, 20 pushups, 20 ab excercise of choice, 20 squats. Do 3 to 5 rounds, rest no more that 2 minutes in between excercises. When doing cardio be sure to push youself hard enought to raise your heart rate into zone 2. If you don't know what that is Google heart rate training and read a few of these articles.

    We all have set backs, DON'T QUIT. It's ok to be sad, but only for 5 minutes, then get back to fighting your fight. Good luck and God bless.
  • CharityEaton
    I just want to say a few things:
    1. stop stressing over it ( easier said then done, I know! so throw your fit, stomp, cry, pout...and feel better)
    2. don't worry about it...REALLY don't worry about it!
    3. I've been there not too long ago but look at my ticker.....almost THIRTY pounds gone since July. It WILL happen but only if you keep at it no matter what! The weight goes up and the weight goes down. Look at it from month to month not day to day!
    If, at the end of the month you have lost weight then you are going in the right direction. How MUCH weight doesn't matter. All that matters is that it slowly keeps coming off.
    I can lose anywhere from 2-4 pounds in a weeks time. I started out this Monday at 139.8. Wed. weighed 135.8 today weighed 136.4.....see! It happens to all of us when we watch our weight every single day BUT at the end of this month I will have lost at least 2 pounds...hopefully 3 to hit my goal! : )
    Hang in there, eat healthy, exercise and forget about it!
    It takes time!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    1. Are you sure your maintenance is 1500?
    2. How long have you been eating at that amount for?
    3. Have you been eating your exercise calories or not? (If so, might have gained weight because of that if you ate them *all* back just because of inaccuracies and gone over maintenance)
    4. 3 weeks isn't really that long, I would hesitate to even call that a plateau.
    5. If it was 4 pounds in 2 days, guarantee you most of that, if not all, is water weight and should level out over the next few days as long as you stay at maintenance and drink plenty of water.

    I'm 5.7 and weigh 167 Ibs, using the tool on here it says: Your estimated BMR is: 1,520 calories/day*. I've been eating maintenance for 5 days now, before that it was 7 weeks of 1200 calories. Then for 3 weeks I was stuck on the weight I am now...well not including the 4ibs that might be water. I usually end up about 50-100 calories under when I'm trying to eat my exercise calories.

    Height 5.7"
    Start Weight: 12.9 stone
    Current Weight: 11.13 Stone
    Ideal Weight: 10 Stone
    BMI: 26
    Ideal BMI: 22

    BMR is not your maintenance, so you are actually still eating at a deficit. Some people recommend eating at maintenance for 1-2 weeks to break a plateau. I haven't tried it, but it seems to have worked for many people. Because you started eating more your body may be retaining some water, but you *are* still at a deficit, even eating your exercise calories (and especially if you leave some calories to account for inaccuracies). Your BMR is what your body burns at *complete* rest (basically a coma). You burn more than that in day-to-day living and that is your maintenance. You may break your plateau just eating at BMR, or you might want to try eating at your actual maintenance for a week and then go to a deficit for a 1 lb a week loss. This is based on what I have read from loads of people who have been successful. I personally spiked to break my plateau, so I can't speak to the efficacy of eating at maintenance. But rest assured, you have not actually gained 4 pounds.
  • SCUBAMomofTwo


    (yes, I know I am shouting.....)
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    It could just be water weight from the high sodium content of the fast food. Similar thing happened to me, ate some salty stuff, drank a lot of water, gained three pounds. Weighed myself the next day and I was back to normal .Dry those eyes girl, you are gonna be just fine.
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    just something to consider .. when my wife's cycle arrives she'll put on 3-5 pounds quickly and it comes right back off when it's passed .. don't know if that may be a factor but I've seen it happen.
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    Sounds like a big poop is coming up!
    In a couple days, there's no way you could've gained 4 lbs. Weigh yourself every week, at the same time during the day. Keep your salt low, water high and eat right...limit your processed foods. Are you getting your period soon? Your body will hold on to water before your monthly. Wait a couple of days, and keep staying strong. Don't stress, you WILL do this!
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    Gonna weigh myself after my monthly friend is over...I was unhappy lately also when there is success and then That! I hear ya. Do what u feel right. Keep our calories at what is comfortable. Good luck dear.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    Thanks for the advice guys, I did about three hours of walking today and I'll be doing two workouts tomorrow. I just need to make sure I don't weigh myself for a week at least to save myself this trauma in future lol. I understand that weight is not the only way of knowing if you've lost but when you gain 4Ibs in 2 days its very alarming so I hope its just the usual thing of women retaining water monthly etc.

    interesting.. im right there with you right now.. and gained 3 pounds in just one day! i got all swelled up like a pufferfish.. it was waterweight and came off.. but im very frustrated right now...
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I weigh every day, but because I do, I know not to take 4 lbs in 2 days seriously.

    You ate fast food? It's full of salt. Be happy you didn't gain 10 lbs.

    Eat low, low sodium foods for a couple days, and watch how fast that weight comes off.

    But it's meaningless -- water comes and goes. It has nothing to do with your fat loss.

    You just joined in January. People get into these panics when they are unsure whether they are going to succeed. You are. But it will be very slow. That's the way it works. Anything that appears to happen fast isn't real.
  • CharityEaton
    I weigh every day, but because I do, I know not to take 4 lbs in 2 days seriously.

    You ate fast food? It's full of salt. Be happy you didn't gain 10 lbs.

    Eat low, low sodium foods for a couple days, and watch how fast that weight comes off.

    But it's meaningless -- water comes and goes. It has nothing to do with your fat loss.

    You just joined in January. People get into these panics when they are unsure whether they are going to succeed. You are. But it will be very slow. That's the way it works. Anything that appears to happen fast isn't real.

    YES! this exactly! This is what I was trying to say too! You WILL be successful as long as you keep at it. I have learned so much in the past few months and believe me "listen to your body" is for real.....you think you are doing it now but you will be surprised at how much more clearly you can understand your body in a few short months!
    Hang in there, drink some water and weight if you must but don't take it to seriously!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    1. Are you sure your maintenance is 1500?
    2. How long have you been eating at that amount for?
    3. Have you been eating your exercise calories or not? (If so, might have gained weight because of that if you ate them *all* back just because of inaccuracies and gone over maintenance)
    4. 3 weeks isn't really that long, I would hesitate to even call that a plateau.
    5. If it was 4 pounds in 2 days, guarantee you most of that, if not all, is water weight and should level out over the next few days as long as you stay at maintenance and drink plenty of water.

    I'm 5.7 and weigh 167 Ibs, using the tool on here it says: Your estimated BMR is: 1,520 calories/day*. I've been eating maintenance for 5 days now, before that it was 7 weeks of 1200 calories. Then for 3 weeks I was stuck on the weight I am now...well not including the 4ibs that might be water. I usually end up about 50-100 calories under when I'm trying to eat my exercise calories.

    Height 5.7"
    Start Weight: 12.9 stone
    Current Weight: 11.13 Stone
    Ideal Weight: 10 Stone
    BMI: 26
    Ideal BMI: 22

    Your BMR is the number of calories your body needs each day so that your organs can run properly. Heart, brain, lungs, digestive system, pancreas, liver, yada yada. If you are eating 1200 calories per day, you are eating so far under maintenance or a safe deficit level that you are in danger of damaging your metabolism. Believe me, I've been there and done it. As have many other people here at MFP until they learned more.

    I suggest you raise your calories to your BMR+exercise calories. It's OK to only eat about 70-80% of your exercise calories in order to account for errors in recording food intake or estimations of calorie burns. For awhile, you might not lose and you might even gain a couple of pounds but then the weight should start falling off.

    Even better, if you do have a splurge meal, your body will be less likely to hold onto those calories because your body is getting properly nourished. You are simply eating below what is healthy for your body at 1200/day.

    I also suggest you go to the top of this forum and read all the stickies. Lots of good information there.
  • spamvicious
    spamvicious Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all the amazing replies! I'm obviously still confused about some stuff but I'm gonna read some more articles and re educate myself. Thanks again :)
  • mp13cat
    mp13cat Posts: 26 Member
    Do not make weight your ultimate bench mark of how your doing.

    ^ This