Hi guys!

A few months ago I hadn't heard of this place and I'd be down at the gym every other day sweating a nutsack off to lose my weight. However the weight was dropping off very slowly and it was simply tiring me out and affecting everything else in my life.

I started to tone it down a but by just going back to walking everyday and still it wasn't that much better. And then I found this site. Been following to to the finest of details, tracking my food and eating exercise calories and over the last 3 days of doing so i've dropped 3 lbs!

In my mind it just seems so illogical because I now walk instead of sweat my life away at the gym and i do a lot less fitness. But I guess it just shows you mainly need to eat the right amount of calories which I probably wasn't doing. Its nice to now eat very comfortably and still be seeing results! haha very happy indeed.


  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member

    WTG on your success, best of luck on many more!