protein shake?

Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
I seem to have a very fast metabalism. I haven't started exercising yet, but I don't want to lose weight, in fact I should probably attempt to put a little on. I just really want to tone up and strengthen myself. I'm 97lbs/5'4" would adding a protein shake or something (maybe a meal replacement drink/bar, or a recovery style drink) be a good idea? If yes, what are some of your reccomendations?


  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    High Protein Diet + Strength Training = Muscle

    So if you aren't getting enough protein already, you could add a protein shake, bar, etc. The best sources of cheap protein are eggs. I think there's like 7g of protein per egg, including the yolk by the way.

    Some people say you should get at least 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass. You can get your body fat percentage measured get a Body Plethysmography. I've heard you can get these done at like a physical fitness centers or at certain Uni's. I've not had one done, but I try to go for about 30% protein in my macro goals.

    So I would invest in either a gym membership or get some Dumbbells, Barbell, Weight Plates, Weights Bench and maybe a Squat Rack if you have the room for that. I work out Monday to Friday. I started last week and I can already see the results. I've got more definition in my shoulders, biceps and triceps. I've also noticed my leg's feel stronger and harder. I work on Biceps, Triceps, Deltoids, Back, Chest, Thighs, Calves and Glutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, not all on each day, but different areas on different days. I also work on Abs on Tuesday and Thursday. I will weigh myself tomorrow and measure my waist, glutes and chest and compared it to last weeks weight and measurement and I am hoping I see some good results.

    So up your protein, workout of different muscle groups throughout the week. Just remember that protein isn't some magical potion to gaining muscle. I really think it helps to repair your muscles quicker after working out, so just consuming protein and not working out will result in pretty much nothing.