Help, Very Frustrated....

spunkiemunkie503 Posts: 66
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I have been doing everything I am suppose to and I am still not having any losses....actually this week I gained 2 lbs. Talking about disappointing!!! I am struggling with support, my husband isn't quite as good at it as he thinks and it's hard not having someone cheering you on and in your corner. Not to mention it has been hard to get out and exercise...two solid days of heavy rain. Somebody please give me some encouraging words of wisdom and a good kick in the putoot! Thanks to anyone willing to oblige....:grumble: :sad:


  • expressbug
    expressbug Posts: 100
    You will get there, I have a simular problem. I lose 4 then gain 2 back, then lose 4 then gain 2 back. It is very frustrating.

    For days that it is raining or I just dont have a lot of time I do the Jilliam Micheals 30 Day Shred, it is an awesome circuit training video and I gaurentee you will sweat. There are 3 differant levels so it is never too easy. I think I paid 10.00 for it on ebay.

    Good luck and I hope this helped. Have a great day.
  • JaneAusten
    JaneAusten Posts: 50 Member
    Don't give up! Don't give up! I went two weeks without losing anything(actually the scale went up a bit some days), but then I started losing again. It seems like ages while it's happening. You might be retaining water which would account for the apparent gain. Hang in there.You will lose wt.
  • truegirl
    truegirl Posts: 1
    Hang in there! If you are new to exercise...try not to focus on the dreaded scale too much. Your body composition is changing and you may be displacing fat with muscle which would result in a weight gain due to the fact that muscle is more dense, and weighs more than fat. Keep exercising...(a mix of cardio and resistance training is essential) and you will see results in the way your clothes fit, or how your body looks, and how you feel. Eventually you will loose pounds...but dont focus on that so much. Good luck
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    All I can say is that you have to be patient. This will work. It just takes time. Didn't you just join last week? I remember your name because I thought it was cute :flowerforyou:

    It is definitely harder if you don't have the support you need. Have you spoken to your husband about it? My husband is my biggest fan but sometimes he still does things that undermines my goals. He doesn't do it on purpose he just isn't aware of the impact it has on me .. until I tell him. And then he behaves :laugh: Sometimes being blunt is the best way ... :happy:

    If your husband doesn't come around we can be your cheering section to keep you motivated.

    Yeah .... chunkiemonkey....:wink::happy: :wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    When I first started (restarting again now) it took a couple of weeks before I started to see a change. The weight kind of came off slow at first while I was building muscle. Then suddenly I was dropping 2-3 pounds a week. It was great. It will come off. I'm sure you've heard this before (someone may have already said it): you didn't put it on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight. Keep it up and you will see a difference. Also don't go by just the scale (I pigged out for two months and didn't gain a pound but my clothes were all tight), take measurements or just go by how your clothes feel. Hope this helps.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose. Are you really logging everything you eat? Are you measuring to make sure you are putting in adequate amounts? Are you eating ENOUGH?? Are you drinking all your water? (8 glasses a day plus another 8 oz for every 25 pounds you are overweight is MINIMUM). Are you eating a snack every 2-3 hours to boost your metabolism? Are you working out, what are you doing and how are you measuring the calories you burn?

    For larger people, the gym stuff is nearly 1/2 what it should be - which could lead to you not eating enuf. Or if you are trying to eat 1200 a day, not eating back your exercise cals, your body will gain weight because it's in starvation mode.

    Forget the scale for a month. Measure your body parts, write it down, then do what you're supposed to do. Weigh in and measure in a month and see where you are. You really shouldn't "gain" weight with muscle, you won't lose as fast because fat is being replaced with muscle, but you will definitely see a difference in your measurements.

    If you want to PM me (so I don't forget) and tell me what you're eating, etc I might be able to help.
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Hang in there! Do your best...and set your sights on being your best for today and tomorrow ;-)

    Keep in mind there's lots you can do inside during the rain...just by keeping up on website exercises.

    If you can, use the MFP tools daily, and love the burn!

    Cheers! :drinker:
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