Getting Discourage with the scale!!!

Ok I am starting to get a bit frustrated. I have been good, but not perfect all the time. I feel like the scale really isn't moving. I am getting really really discouraged. I do alot of running and the scale really hasn't moved. I don't do strength training or any aerobic classes but I think I should probably start. I am not trying to be a downer but it is getting frustrating for me!!! Anyone have any suggestions or meal ideas?


  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    How long as the scale not been moving for? When I started my diet it was probably two weeks or so before I started losing. I've never had that happen before but I was getting so frustrated following my plan and not losing anything! Finally all of a sudden I dropped like four pounds.
  • castle88
    castle88 Posts: 27
    You probably do need to introduce some strength training. This was a very helpful post on plateauing which might be of use:

    Really explains it all very well! Good luck!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Your food diary isn't open so I can't give specific suggestions. Most people tend to underestimate their food consumption and over estimate calories burned. Getting a food scale was a real eye opener for me. Not all portion sizes are correct on packagjng. You can easily overeaten without meaning to. Do you eat back your exercise calories?

    Did you just start and it's stuck? It took me a while to really see a change on the scale.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    Don't give up! I stall a week and a half at a time and then loose again right when I think I'm done. I checked out your food diary of the last week and I suggest not eating so far under your exercise calories. Sometimes I eat 1/2 or more back only but that is because I am not using a HRM so am unsure of my calorie burn. But you have several days where you eat under your 1200 or around it and then go burn 800 calories with an intense workout.Your body must be exhausted :( I also noticed I started loosing more consistently when I upped my protein as a nutritionist and many others suggested. I make sure I'm not extremely strict about it (make sure I'm over 100g but not over my weight 135g. I suggest you up your protein. Your meals are healthy just maybe add to them or add a few more healthy snacks throughout the day. You are doing great with your water input and your workouts! You can do this! ;)
  • laurief1212
    laurief1212 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks runninggirl!! I see you run to and you are doing amazing. With your suggestions I am hoping I will start doing the same. Thank you so much!!!
  • laurief1212
    laurief1212 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you everyone!! I feel it's been about 2 weks and I just can't get past this certain number on the scale!!! Even though I am frustrated I am still determined to get down to where I want to be. I am going to try and make some changes and hopefully that will help!!!

    Thank you again everyone for the encouragment!!!
  • dryfli
    dryfli Posts: 39 Member
    laurie, make sure you are eating at least 1200 cals per day, net (after exercise etc.) you need a certain amt to make sure your body does not go into starvation mode. i personaly think if your net is under 1200 per day consistently, you are going to feel like poo and have a hard time making the numbers move. also agree, make sure you are getting enough protein cals. lastly, get the measuring tape out. i guarantee these past 2 weeks you are losing inches, but maybe not pounds. when i am 'good' and eating well, etc, it takes me at least a week or 2 to see the numbers start to move on the scale. i can tell you i lost about 18 lbs at one point and i was down 2 inches in my waist, 4 inches thru my hips and about 2 inches in each thigh. (or more) how do your clothes feel? (non stretchy jeans?) it will come, keep the faith. :)