feel guilty

eat a whole cheesecake yesterday still below my goal but doing fast today what have you done similar ?


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    eat a whole cheesecake yesterday still below my goal but doing fast today what have you done similar ?

    You managed to be below your goal after eating an entire cheesecake?
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    hhhhmm well....i've done this a lot, this is why i get stuck for a week or two sometimes. I suggest not fasting because it will really not help at all. And when I go over, I mean i really go over. Sometimes from 1k calories over to 2k. Eat like a normal day. You can still cut fat going over once a week for less than 1k calories.
  • yea see my diary its open to all i log everything
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Don't fast! The binge-guilt-fast cycle is highly destructive both pysically and emotionally!

    If you eat something you shouldn't, by all means exercise a bit and eat light i.e. vege stir fry or soup for dinner but keep it balanced and take control of your thoughts! Stop guilty thoughts in their tracks and talk sense to yourself - one day isn't going to make a significant difference over all, it's about what you do every day, long term. It took a while to get overweight, it'll take time to lose the weight. You're learning and this is a process. It's not a black or white, win/lose game.

    Also, look into the causes of your binge - emotional, physical etc. and try to avoid those triggers to prevent future binges. There's a lot of help out there - try a bit of Googling to find *reputable* organisations.

    Good luck.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you were under your goal yesterday, no need to do anything abnormal today. Use today like you would any other day after being within your calorie goal range.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I think I'm jealous that you could eat a whole cheesecake and not be over..... :smile:

    Agree with the others.... don't fast, eat normal (healthy...maybe cut back on the sugar today, I'm surprised your eyes aren't rollling around in your head) and drink lots and lots of water.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member

    Also, look into the causes of your binge - emotional, physical etc. and try to avoid those triggers to prevent future binges. There's a lot of help out there - try a bit of Googling to find *reputable* organisations.

    Good luck.

    I would think that might be the fact that he normally lives on a breakfast of toast and dinner of toast and no lunch.

    OP, I try not to preach on here, but you really do need to vary your diet more. I looked back over your diary and it seems that most days you eat toast with something for breakfast, toast with tomatoes for dinner, and nothing for lunch. I would binge, too. Try adding some more vegetables and fruits into your meal plan. And some lunch. I'm presuming you feel that this plan is working for you, but if you're going on binges this might be your body's way of asking for something different. Just consider it.

    In the meantime, yesterday is gone and today is here. Give yourself a clean slate and move on. Fasting today will have absolutely no effect on the cheesecake you ate yesterday.
  • reason 4 eating cheesecake was i felt weak has only been eating between 500-1000 calories
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why are you starving yourself?
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    you were under your goal, good! ... eat as normal and if you want to be extra safe do a little extra exercise :)
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    I think I'm jealous that you could eat a whole cheesecake and not be over..... :smile:

    Agree with the others.... don't fast, eat normal (healthy...maybe cut back on the sugar today, I'm surprised your eyes aren't rollling around in your head) and drink lots and lots of water.

    THIS! and I second the jealousy :laugh:

    Your numbers were fine AND you had awesome CHEESE CAKE! Celebrate, don't punish!
  • threasarenee
    threasarenee Posts: 78 Member
    You HAVE to eat at least 1200 calories a day....HEALTHY calories.... to lose weight or your body will go into starvation mode. Yes you might lose weight at first by starving yourself, but in the long run you are just HURTING your body!!! I really hope that you do NOT fast today or any day.
  • You asked in your original post if people had done something similar, and I have. Yesterday I went over my calorie goal because I went HARD on some pizza and cinna sticks. I ordered more than I needed thinking, " I will save this, and eat on it for a few days." Yeah....that did not happen, at all...
    Other than what others have said about increasing your calorie consumption, I think it is important to let yourself have small things. For instance, if you have a piece of cheesecake once every two weeks you are less likely to eat an entire one. You can even plan it into your calories for the day if you want to.
    Live a little, its just one day. You are trying to make changes, but that doesn't mean you have to give up everything you like. Just make sure you don't do what I did and wait to long and end up eating the entire box of pizza/cheesecake/ bag of Reece's/ any other food vice you might have.
    Best of luck
  • neverlost
    neverlost Posts: 121 Member
    You gotta rethink your plan. You have your calorie goal set to 1200, which you aren't meeting and you are doing over 1000 calories burned a day of exercise. This is a recipe for disaster. Change your goals to what MFP suggests, make sure you don't list your activity as sedentary since you aren't and follow the program. Eat enough and stay within your macros. Good luck man.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    eat a whole cheesecake yesterday still below my goal but doing fast today what have you done similar ?

    Last Saturday Wales won the grand slam - I ate and drank what I wanted all day, must have easily got to 3000 calories. Next day I just got back on with my 1600 a day, no fasting, no changes, just back on track.

    Today I am 1.6lbs lighter than I was last Friday.

    Tonight I am going to a black tie dinner - again I will be going over my calories, and again I will be getting back on track tomorrow.

    No need to feel guilty, one cheesecake every now and again isn't going to hurt, one every day will!!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    reason 4 eating cheesecake was i felt weak has only been eating between 500-1000 calories

    That's not healthy at all.... you need to eat more or your body is going to stop burning fat and start burning muscle.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    reason 4 eating cheesecake was i felt weak has only been eating between 500-1000 calories
    What?? As a man you should not be netting below 1500 cals/day as a minimum (Net would mean 1500 cals, plus eating back what you burn from exercise). If you are eating so little and feel guilty when you are still way under your goal (cheese cake day you still didn't eat enough) you may be developing or already have an Eating disorder. I would urge you to seek help before you really damage your body.

    I am netting 1800-1900/day and losing weight and I weigh around 140lbs. Please eat more, way more. If you don't you will end up losing more lean muscle then fat, which would further slow your metabolism down.
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    #1 Do not feel guilty, minor setback. #2 increase the amount of water youo drink for the next two days and do what you have been doing.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    May I ask why you are exercising so much?

    For every calorie you burn from exercise you should be eating that much back. So if MFP gives you 1600, and you burn 1200, you should be eating 2800 to lose your goal amount of weight. losing faster, like I said above, will lead to a loss of lean muscle, hair loss, weak nail, weak immune system, malnutrition as well as other health problems.

    Don't see calories as the enemy, see them as fuel, and when you workout your body needs fuel.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    If you are 5'8" and 142lbs, why are you trying to lose weight and why are you starving yourself?