How to Lose Fat but not Muscle



  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    The best way is a slight caloric deficit of no more than 250 cals/day (0.5lbs/week goal), adequate protein, and a heavy lifting strength training routine (preferably compound lifts).

    If you are only eating 1600 cals I would venture to guess that your deficit is quite large. Are you netting 1600 or eating 1600. I would suggest do not net lower than 1600 (1600 plus eat back all the calories you burn from exercise)
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    go to :)!! THERES GREAT ADVICE THERE. from people who know!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Lisa, I set my goals to maintain body weight, thinking if I stay under, I should be good.

    Look like some days you are more than 1000 cals under, that will def. lead to the loss of lean muscle. Try to be within 300 cals of your maintenance everyday.
  • cyclical dieting always works wonders for me, have a 10-20% surplus on training days and eat at maintenance or below on non training days, along with switching up your calories.

    have higher carbs than fats on training day and keep protein the same throughout, then switch it up with higher fats, lower carbs on non training days and protein the same.

    its not impossible to lose fat without sacrificing muscle, i have lose about 4 % or so in the last 5 months while gaining alot of strength in all my lifts. It just takes a longer time, if you want to you can speed it up by lowering the cals on your non training days by 20% at max, and focus on getting big lifts in on your training days none of the accessory work like db flys and **** like that. Hit as many muscles as you can and lift as heavy as possible without sackin form(causes an increased response of intracellular ribosome activity and hormone production). Low carb--->less than 15% of your total daily cals from carbs is classified as low carb(avoid fruits/veggies or fructose sugar as much as possible on those days to avoid refilling your liver glycogen)

    Read my blogs, i have a few things posted on training and dieting...
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Change your lifting routine, not just the sets and reps, but do different exercises. I love this program: it helped me increase my maxes in bench, squat, and dead lift significantly in a short amount of time. These are all exercises that will help you gain muscle throughout your entire body, focusing on core.

    This is an awesome site.