New Mom Here, Looking for Support and Motivation!

Hi everyone! I just signed up for MFP and am super excited to starting getting this weight loss train out of the station. I've been overweight for a while and I just want to get back to my ideal weight. I just had my baby in early Feb so I have a lot of "extra" left to get rid of. I really want to do this not so that my family has something of a positive influence in terms of living a healthier lifestyle. I am restarting Power 90 today and I'm also thinking of starting the Couch to 5K program.


  • sunshine638
    sunshine638 Posts: 14 Member
    I had my baby in November, 2011 and I'm trying to lose the pregnancy weight as well. Feel free to add me. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • jordgirl
    jordgirl Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me! My baby is 1, but I'm still working on that blasted pregnancy weight, but I have more to lose after I reach that point.
  • Shepock
    Shepock Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me I'm a mom of 2 boys 6and 2 ... still trying to get rid of the blasted baby tummy!!! Good luck !!!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    welcome! I am the mom of an almost 3 year old. Feel free to request if you'd like! :)
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I had my daughter last september, I'm also trying to get back to my lowest weight :-)
  • hi! i had my lil one in october! congrats on your bundle of joy! add me :)
  • Fandabie89
    Fandabie89 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello :) welcome to mfp my baby is 9 months old now and i think my problem is that im too tired to cook a proper meal so i would rely on things that are quick and easy but now my baby is older and settled i can actually look after myself. Good luck and add me if u want :) x
  • kmastello
    kmastello Posts: 25
    I had my little man in november! Just a few pounds away from pre preg weight but need to lose another 80 on top of that! Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! I'm also a new mom... well, I have a 5yr old boy and my daughter will be 9mo. on April 5th. I've always been overweight... as long as I can remember. Yo-yoing between a size 16 and 18 for the past 8 years. Would like to drop down to a size 10! Welcome and glad to add you... add me back if you would like (^_^)

  • rach22m
    rach22m Posts: 15 Member
    hi my baby is 8 months old and I put on a" little extra" after my pregnancy, oops
  • alix1105
    alix1105 Posts: 80
    welcome :) feel free to add me! congrats on being a new momma!
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    Hello and welcome, this is a wonderful site, with wonderful people. I have lost 51 pounds with the help of MFP. You can do it, just keep your head up and remember why you started this if you ever what to give up. Its a struggle sometimes to change your lifestyle, or to find the time with a family, I have four children so I know all about precious time, but it is all worth it in the end. Again good luck and congrats on your new bundle :)
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    My kids are 10 and almost 6 and I'm still trying to lose "baby weight" lol... please add me! Congrats on your little one :)
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Congratulations on the new baby! I just had my 2nd son this past November. Unfortunately i never lost the weight from my first pregnancy and now have double the weight to lose. Add me!
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    congrats on the baby! Feel free to add me if you like. Best of luck in your weight loss journey!
  • drw1205
    drw1205 Posts: 3
    I just had my little girl in December! Congrats on the little one! Feel free to add me, support from other mamas definitely helps me stay on track! :)
  • JennInMA
    JennInMA Posts: 33 Member
    mom to a 3 year old and 3 month old! feel free to add me! us momma's keep each other motivated for sure!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Welcome!I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old. This site helped me lose my baby weight. Great site and great support!
  • Megan5683
    Megan5683 Posts: 47 Member
    Just added you! I'm not a new mom but I have a two year old and still trying to get back into shape. Good luck on your journey!
  • chrimsonfyre
    chrimsonfyre Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on being a new mom and good luck with all your goals!