advice please!

I had my goals set to lose 1 lb a week and I was having huge calories leftover so I changed it to 1.5 pounds a week. Im still not losing even though Im staying in the new calorie goal and exercising. I would appreciate anyones advice on my diary as to what I am doing wrong or what I can do differently. I was fine with not losing when I was gaining muscle and losing inches but I feel even that has stopped. Thanks for your help!


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    What is your height and weight? You may be eating too few calories.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    To me, your diet looks way too carby and really high in processed foods, "extra" foods that you don't really need to put in your body, and sugar, too.

    I struggled with weight loss for a long time until I radically changed my diet. I actually went on a program through my gym that was basically high protein, low fat, low carbs, low sugar. In fact, almost no sugar. I cut added processed sugar, no alcohol, very few carbs and the carbs I do eat are mostly things like sprouted grain bagels or tortillas. The goal was protein at every meal, veggies with almost every meal, and anything else was extra. I've lost 25lbs now and have added back a few things but that is still the basis for how I eat.

    I started at 186 and I'm 5'6" and a mom of three. Feel free to add me. Having other mom friends on this journey is helpful. ;)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    I had my goals set to lose 1 lb a week and I was having huge calories leftover so I changed it to 1.5 pounds a week. Im still not losing even though Im staying in the new calorie goal and exercising. I would appreciate anyones advice on my diary as to what I am doing wrong or what I can do differently. I was fine with not losing when I was gaining muscle and losing inches but I feel even that has stopped. Thanks for your help!

    So basically you changed your calorie goal to reflect what already wasn't working for you?

    When did you change it because you seem to consistently be netting under your calorie goal (it's called a goal for a reason)?

    I definitely think you're undereating and your body is freaking out and not letting go of the fat because it's scared you're never going to sufficiently feed it again. With two kids (unless you hand them off to a nanny), you should be netting more than 1100 calories a day.
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    Too few calories most days except maybe for the last couple. 1000-1200 cal really only are appropriate for people who like under 4'9! Your body has to have fuel in order to have energy to burn fat! That is why eating back your exercise cals is SO IMPORTANT!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I only looked at the last couple of days - but they look good. I would say try to eat more veggies. If you are satisfied with the amount you are eating, I would keep plugging along. Weight loss is a funny thing - it is not a linear process. If you are finding yourself starving, and having a hard time sticking to your plan, then that would be reason to re-evaluate. And you might want to leave someslack in your plan to allow for a day a week to eat a little more. I find some days I am hungry, others I am not. I am going to focus more on how my calories look over a full week.
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am 5"4 and190 lbs. Its hard for me to think I need to eat more because I am definitely satisfied. I will try to increase calories and see if this helps.

    I dont hand my kids off to a nanny, I am a stay at home Mom and I try to be very active with them.

    Thanks again for the advice!

    One more thing: Does it matter WHEN you eat? If I have extra calories I end up trying to hit 1200 by eating snacks in the evening. If calories in < calories out it shouldnt matter right?
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    LOL I didn't really think you handed your kids off to a nanny. Was just trying to make my point.

    No, it doesn't matter when you eat. Take your last bite of food while you're climbing into bed if it doesn't interfere with your sleep. I eat the majority of my calories right up until I go to bed and, barring any digestive issues, have been losing pretty consistently.

    When you up your calories, don't be too shocked or scared if you gain a little. It's just your body saying, "Food! Hell yeah! Better hold on to it in case she won't feed me again!"

    Ohhhh, also, your bmr is around 1550 calories, which is what your body needs just to sustain you in a coma. You probably shouldn't net much less than that (meaning 1200 calories isn't for everyone).
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Time can impact it. If your body is getting a disproportionate amount of calories in at one time, it will tend to horde them because it'll adjust to getting LESS at other times. Also, eating a lot right before bed can cause you body not to burn your food as eficiently because you eat, then you go to sleep shortly after. I hit a plateau week and the main thing I was doing differently were eating huge dinners. Just have to make a bigger effort to spread out calories through the day.