Cellulite. What works??!!

Has anyone actually had success in ridding themselves of this final failure? I can be my absolute fittest and still have it in one spot!! Well, two actually ; )

What can I add to my diet or medicine cabinet? What might I avoid?


  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member

    i'd enjoy reading comments on this topic.:wink::wink: :wink:
    i think i'm too old to get rid of most of mine though:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Interesting question. I did a quick web search and this is what I found:

    Cellulite is the expression used to describe pockets of fat which are trapped and cause dimpling in the skin. This dimpling is irregular and patchy and has been identified with orange peel.

    90% of post-adolescent women go on to develop cellulite at some time during their life although it is very hardly ever seen in men. The thighs, buttocks and the abdomen are the most common areas for a woman to develop cellulite. Although it is often mistaken for obesity, cellulite is not actually obesity related because it can also take place in thin lean women.

    Underneath the dermis and epidermis are three specific layers of fat. Cellulite tends to develop in the subcutaneous fat layers. This layer of fat is unique in its structure compared to the other layers because its fatty parts are structured into specific chambers by strands of linked tissue around it.

    Hormones also help out with the storage of fat along with the body's metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer.

    Hormonal factors such as estrogen and folliculine also play a role in cellulite formation. Cellulite is for the most part found in women during their hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause and also whilst taking birth control pills. A woman's hormones are usually responsible for the regulation of their blood flow, fat, connective tissue and lymphatic drainage.

    The fat cells between the two reserve fat layers situated under the subcutaneous fat layer dissolve into a slack network. A person's genetic makeup predicts their fat storage and metabolism in these layers which are predisposed by diet, exercise and lifestyle. These layers have no responsibility for cellulite forming on a person's body.

    The subcutaneous fat layer in a woman is organised into large upright chambers allowing fat to be stored. In men, these chambers are organised into small slanting units. These store smaller fat quantities and are not likely to form cellulite.

    Cellulite's formation is a result of complex physiological changes that occur in the subcutaneous fat layer. Regular exercise and well balanced diets do not always reverse or prevent its formation, although an unhealthy lifestyle will make the overall appearance worse over time due to poor nutrition, weight gain and lack of sufficient water intake.

    With age there is a loss in the thickness and tone of the connective tissue in the superficial fat layer and the dermis. Unfortunately noticeable, flaccid cellulite is the result.

    There are a wide variety of products on the market today which claim to remedy cellulite. Many do not perform what they claim and as it's not known or clear which do and don't work, it is very easy to become sucked in to buying expensive mistakes.

    Many products consist of topical treatments which alone are ineffective in the treatment of cellulite. There are also creams available which contain herbs, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. These assist the skin to become softer, healthier and smoother and allow it to repair itself more easily.

    Creams which contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatories are more effective when treating cellulite as they stimulate the flow of blood. The areas which are affected by cellulite are usually dry and damaged therefore needing additional moisture, increased blood supply and protection. The appearance of cellulite can be reduced temporarily by increasing moisture to the affected area. It needs to be remembered cellulite needs to be treated from the inside as well as the outside.

    Of course, some women prefer to use cosmetic surgery to reduce their cellulte. Whilst some methods like liposuction aren't really advised for cellulite, other therapies like mesotherapy and endermologie, are very popular, and quite effective.

    This came from http://www.managecellulite.com/

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • exercisediva
    exercisediva Posts: 127
    i was told the only cure was weight training....the only way to re-sculpt your body.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You may have it forever, unfortunately. You can increase your weight training and lower your fat in your diet and still have it. some is genetics and some is lifestyle.

    However, I am still a big girl and I can say that I take pics of myself once per month and there is a decrease in the appearance of the cellulite but I am not holding my breath that I will ever have the cellulite free body I had as a teen and early 20. :drinker:
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    If it makes you guys feel better, I am in my early 20's, about 10lb from my target weight and I have it already! But hey, nobody's perfect, and I guess it's just going to be part of me for better or worse!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    This is the treatment I had done on my thighs, i'm a weightlifter, and cardio junkie, never been overweight, I have run marathons, and still had the blasted cellulite on my freaking thighs, so I did this, took 6 sessions, and that was 1.5 years ago, and I keep up my exercise and diet, and it has yet to rear its ugly head..thank god!! Here's a little blurb for the website info page.

    Lumicell Touch, which provides a complete epidermic, dermic, and hypodermic treatment to eliminate cellulite.

    The innovative Lumicell Touch combines vacuum subdermal tissue massage with the benefits of infrared light (850nm) and magenta light (660nm). Infrared light acts directly on metabolism while magenta light contributes anti-aging properties.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    For me, Photoshop. Which sucks when I'm "live and in person".
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    This is the treatment I had done on my thighs, i'm a weightlifter, and cardio junkie, never been overweight, I have run marathons, and still had the blasted cellulite on my freaking thighs, so I did this, took 6 sessions, and that was 1.5 years ago, and I keep up my exercise and diet, and it has yet to rear its ugly head..thank god!! Here's a little blurb for the website info page.

    Lumicell Touch, which provides a complete epidermic, dermic, and hypodermic treatment to eliminate cellulite.

    The innovative Lumicell Touch combines vacuum subdermal tissue massage with the benefits of infrared light (850nm) and magenta light (660nm). Infrared light acts directly on metabolism while magenta light contributes anti-aging properties.

    Eek. Not the cheapest thing ever. I'm hoping that another 15 pounds will take care of most of it. I'm absolutely horrified by mine, and people telling me that it's natural and that i shouldn't be ashamed of it just irks me.

    I would totally do this later in life - but right now, not an option. What else is there?
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    This is the treatment I had done on my thighs, i'm a weightlifter, and cardio junkie, never been overweight, I have run marathons, and still had the blasted cellulite on my freaking thighs, so I did this, took 6 sessions, and that was 1.5 years ago, and I keep up my exercise and diet, and it has yet to rear its ugly head..thank god!! Here's a little blurb for the website info page.

    Lumicell Touch, which provides a complete epidermic, dermic, and hypodermic treatment to eliminate cellulite.

    The innovative Lumicell Touch combines vacuum subdermal tissue massage with the benefits of infrared light (850nm) and magenta light (660nm). Infrared light acts directly on metabolism while magenta light contributes anti-aging properties.

    Eek. Not the cheapest thing ever. I'm hoping that another 15 pounds will take care of most of it. I'm absolutely horrified by mine, and people telling me that it's natural and that i shouldn't be ashamed of it just irks me.

    I would totally do this later in life - but right now, not an option. What else is there?

    I did the 60 minute sessions at ...I think...130.00 a session, but it worked..I was tired of that little "pouch" under my butt cheeks, it drove me nuts, my hubby says I was the only who knew it was there, i'm thinking....I don't care if no one else sees it, I KNOW it's there...:laugh: